How Much Will Your Goldendoodle Weigh?

Learn about Goldendoodle growth patterns & try our weight calculator

“It’s pretty much impossible to predict exactly how each individual Goldendoodle puppy will grow.”

Luckily, we can make a “guesstimate” on your pup's final adult weight based on observed growth patterns.


Look at these average weights from over 110,000 Goldendoodle weight submissions.

Like most dog breeds, Goldendoodles do their fastest growing in the first 50% of their adult weight, which generally correlates to the first 6 months of life...

...but they generally reach their maximum adult weight anywhere between 1-2 years of age.

Toy Goldendoodles

How Big Do They Get and By What Age?

Toy Goldendoodles weigh between 5-15 lb. and reach their full adult weight between 7.5-11 months of age.

Adult Weight = Weight at 15 Weeks x 2

To Predict a Toy Goldendoodle's Weight, Try This Formula:

Mini  & Medium Goldendoodles

How Big Do They Get and By What Age?

Mini/Medium Goldendoodles weigh between 15-55 lb. and reach their full adult weight between 11-13 months of age.

Adult Weight = Weight at 18 Weeks x 2

To Predict a Mini or Medium Goldendoodle's Weight, Try This Formula:

Standard Goldendoodles

How Big Do They Get and By What Age?

Standard Goldendoodles weigh between 55-85 lb. and reach their full adult weight between 12.5-16 months of age.

Adult Weight = Weight at 23 Weeks x 2

To Predict a Standard Goldendoodle's Weight, Try This Formula: