Hey, Dood!

Great to have you here!

Allow us to introduce ourselves…

We are Whitney and Chloe

The adorable duo behind Doodle Doods. 🙂

Chloe came into my life in 2009 as a 10-week old puppy…

Back then, I had no idea what a “goldendoodle” was. (I think it was right before they started becoming all the rage.)

I was a 19 year old college student at the time; I had just moved out of my parents’ house and all my life I had wanted a dog.

So, I started looking.

My only criteria were that I didn’t want a dog that would get hair all over every single thing I owned and I didn’t want a big dog.

One day, I came across a local goldendoodle breeder’s ad online.

The ad said something about her puppies being non-shedding and that they would be “mini” when full grown.

I fell in love with the pictures of her white puppies, and right then and there I knew I needed one.

Within hours we were meeting with the breeder, and that’s the day we brought Chloe home. 🙂

Ever since that day, she has been the light of my life (shhhhh don’t tell my husband or baby daughter!) 😉

Now, over the years we’ve been on quite the adventure…

Especially since August 2014, when our little Utah-native family hit the road and started traveling full-time.

Even though we’re always going somewhere new, home is truly wherever we’re together.

But traveling full-time isn’t all fun and games, especially with a dog.

We’ve had our fair share of “oh crap” moments…

Like the first time Chloe saw a squirrel in the city and actually jumped out the car window to chase it…

Or the first time she got ticks EVER all over her face and my husband and I both had mini panic attacks…

Or when we had to visit a vet in the middle of rural Texas because she randomly started limping…

Yeah, she’s a hyper little girl who’s always getting into mischief…

But you want to know what was the most frustrating thing about traveling with a non-shedding dog?

It was stressing out about how to get her groomed!

Now at this point, I should probably mention that the signature doodle “fuzzy bear” look had nothing to do with my decision to bring Chloe home that day.

(Don’t get me wrong…

I do like the doodle “fuzzy bear” look, but…

I just happen to like the “classic dog” look more.)

shaved goldendoodle

We are also active and like to be outdoors, and I’ve found it to be way less stressful for us all when Chloe has short hair…

Short hair doesn’t prevent a dirty dog, but it sure does prevent her whole body from looking like her ear in this pic!

Anyway, let’s get back to me stressing out about how to get Chloe groomed while traveling…

See, a lot of groomers require up-to-date proof of vaccinations, can’t take same-day appointments, have inconsistent grooming skills, and pricing varies between an arm, a leg (or both depending on where you are)!

And I understand all that, but because of our lifestyle, we can’t necessarily get Chloe in to a groomer when it’s most convenient or affordable for us.

Then one day, it totally dawned on me…

It was an epiphany that would soon turn my frustration on its head and into something Chloe and I actually looked forward to.

Now, I told you the top challenge I have traveling with a goldendoodle…

Which is that I can’t necessarily get Chloe in to see a groomer when it’s most convenient or affordable for us. Then one day it simply occurred to me.

What if…

Instead of stressing out about getting her professionally groomed every 3 months, in who knows what city…

And at who knows what cost…

What if…

I just did it myself?

I know you probably aren’t a full-time traveller like me…

But maybe you worry that the groomer isn’t taking great care of your pup (does she always come home with little cuts and razor burns?)…

Maybe you’re sick of bringing home a dog who is embarrassed by her new do (or #realtalk maybe it’s YOU who’s embarrassed?).

And I’m more-than-willing to bet that you less-than-enjoy coughing up ~$100 every 6-8 weeks to get your pupper professionally groomed.

Look, I’m just a loving dog mom who took ownership of Chloe’s grooming needs, despite our unique lifestyle.

But it wasn’t until after I started grooming her myself that we’ve discovered 11 secrets of DIY at-home grooming that took us both by complete surprise. Check them out:

11 Secrets of DIY Home Grooming

  1. It’s become our special bonding time and our relationship has strengthened
  2. We have both become more patient
  3. Chloe no longer has groomer anxiety (she used to start whining and barking nervously whenever we’d pull up to our regular groomer’s studio years ago)
  4. I don’t have to find new groomers wherever we move/travel to
  5. We don’t have to deal with inconsistent haircuts/styles between all the groomers we would have visited
  6. She doesn’t get as many cuts or razor burns (I’d be lying if I said they never happen under my watch, but it’s certainly rare now)
  7. I can do the groom when it’s convenient for ME (no more waking up to drop the dog off at the butt crack of dawn and then being pressured to pick her up immediately after she’s done)
  8. I can make her hair look EXACTLY how I want
  9. My self-esteem shoots through the roof when someone asks where she gets her hair cut 🙂
  10. It’s another skill I can put on my life resume
  11. And of course, I get to save a lot of money (around $400-$500 per year!)

Not necessarily benefits you would have thought of, right? Personally, my absolute favorite is that our relationship has strengthened because of it. (And that I get to live vicariously through her and let her rock pink Mohawks LOL!)

But whatever YOUR reason for wanting to DIY…

Grooming isn’t rocket science, and it’s really not that hard.

Quick Question…

So all these secrets you just learned about are awesome, right? Has it opened your mind and changed the way you think about grooming your own dog at home?

Now, maybe you’ve already been giving it some thought, but now that I’ve presented some of the secrets of DIY grooming, I have one question for you…

THE Question Is…

Do you want our help to implement all of this and make it super easy in your life to start grooming your dog yourself RIGHT NOW?

If “yes”, I have something for you…

The Doodle Doods DIY Dog Grooming Blueprint

A step-by-step video guide on how to groom your dog at home!

With The Doodle Doods DIY Dog Grooming Blueprint, you’ll learn:

  1. What [affordable] tools are needed for grooming your dog at home
  2. Tips for setting up and grooming
  3. How to groom the top half of the dog
  4. How to groom the head, neck, and face
  5. How to groom the ears
  6. How to groom the legs, feet, and paws
  7. How to cut the nails
  8. How to groom the belly and groin
  9. How to groom the butt and tail

Here’s an actual video included in the Blueprint:

“But can’t I just find these videos on YouTube?”

Absolutely you can, but will those videos

  • Be packaged together to demonstrate a full-body groom with detailed explanations, tips, and additional commentary?
  • Be shot entirely in the first person perspective, so you can see exactly what grooming each part of the dog looks like from YOUR point of view?
  • Include a full transcription, put together in a neat, step-by-step blueprint?

Probably not!


  • If you want to experience the 11 secrets of grooming your pup yourself, you’ll find lots of value in the The Doodle Doods DIY Dog Grooming Blueprint.
  • If you want guidance with detailed explanations, tips, and additional commentary on how to do it all, you’ll find lots of value in The Doodle Doods DIY Dog Grooming Blueprint.
  • If you want to see exactly what grooming each part of the dog looks like from YOUR point of view, you’ll find lots of value in the The Doodle Doods DIY Dog Grooming Blueprint.
  • If you want to refer to a neatly organized written guide instead of scrolling through long videos over and over, you’ll find lots of value in the The Doodle Doods DIY Dog Grooming Blueprint.


What does The Doodle Doods DIY Dog Grooming Blueprint look like?

The Blueprint will be accessible to registered users of our website, Doodle Doods. Inside the exclusive membership area, you will be able to view all videos, transcripts, and related content. Your account never expires – log in anytime, anywhere, and view from any device.

What if I don’t have a Doodle?

This Blueprint will still work for any dog that needs frequent grooming!

Who is this Blueprint for?

It is for anyone who simply wants to learn how to groom their own dog at home.

Who is this Blueprint NOT for?

This is not for people who want to become a professional dog groomer. There are many other aspects to professional dog grooming that are not covered in this Blueprint.

Are you a professional groomer?

I am not a professional dog groomer – I am a self-taught groomer who has been doing this exact grooming process with my goldendoodle Chloe since 2014. Some of my methods might be unconventional, but they get the job done. If you are uncomfortable with any part of the DIY grooming process, please hire a professional groomer in your area.

I couldn’t find any great one-stop-shop resources to help me when I was just starting out at DIY grooming, so I made it my mission to put my acquired knowledge out there for others to discover and use to learn how to groom their own dogs at home.

Do you demonstrate how to groom both male and female dogs in the Blueprint?

In this Blueprint I groom my female dog Chloe. I am sorry to say that I have zero experience shaving male dogs (i.e. shaving around a penis or testicles). However, the same methods and principles of grooming the belly and groin areas still apply, so this blueprint will still work for you.

Do you demonstrate how to style the face or body in the Blueprint?

In this Blueprint I demonstrate shaving the body and how to do a clean face (shaven down to match the rest of the body). I do NOT demonstrate how to individually style the face or body. HOWEVER, you are free to experiment and apply your skills to create the exact style you want on your dog, kind of like how I have given Chloe a mohawk multiple times.

Goldendoodle half-shaved head
Half-shaved head mohawk dyed pink

What if I hate the Blueprint?

If you aren’t happy with The Doodle Doods DIY Dog Grooming Blueprint we will refund your purchase within 30 days.

“I have learned so much about grooming by watching videos like the ones that Whitney has made.”

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

P.S. In case you are one of those people who like to skip to the bottom of the page, here’s the deal:

I have been grooming my dog at home myself since 2014 and video recorded a full-body groom in first person perspective and jotted down all my knowledge, and put it all into one step-by-step blueprint to guide you through the DIY grooming process.