Tell us in detail about your experience with the alleged scammer/puppy mill, from how you first came into contact with them, to what types of Doodles they were selling, to how you realized things didn’t seem right about this person/facility.

This will be published on our website so please list any details about your experience that might help a prospective buyer make an informed decision about the subject in question.

Once you submit the form, Doodle Doods will review and publish your entry. In accordance with our Terms of Use, we reserve the right to modify your review (by removing slanderous claims, offensive words, personally identifiable information, etc.). Please contact us at if you want to change or remove your review.

Or, go back to view all reports.

This will not be shared publicly for safety measures. We just want to make sure you're a real person.

This will not be published. It is in case we ever need to contact you.

Enter the name of the person or breeding business/facility.

Provide the alleged location of the breeder/facility.

Optional, but please provide if applicable.

Tell us in detail about your experience with the alleged scammer/puppy mill, from how you first came into contact with them, to what types of Doodles they were selling, to how you realized things didn't seem right about this person/facility. This will be published on our website so please list any details about your experience that might help a prospective buyer make an informed decision about the subject in question.

By submitting you agree to our Terms of Use.