Aaron and Sarah Miller

Reported Doodle Puppy Mill in Pennsylvania

Website: https://www.greenfieldpuppies.com/dog-breeders/aaron-sarah-miller/
(Not linked intentionally)

A User Says:

Miniature golden doodle

when getting my puppy he had feces all over matted into his hair and scalp.

since receiving him he was vommiting blood and pooping blood hardly eating and drinking water. Veterinarian said I saved him he was very close to dying. Stool sample showed he has severe giardia and Coccidia. The Coccidia infected our household. Coccidia can live on your floors for up to 1 year.
I tried contacting the breeder no call back ever.
clearly does not care about the dogs he breeds and he breeds a lot of litters.

Note: As these are user-submitted reports, Doodle Doods has no way to verify the source or truthfulness to any claims. Please see our Terms of Use for more information.

Do your due diligence and check out these articles to learn more about how to find the best breeder for you:

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