Aspyen Smith "speciallove888"
Reported Doodle Scammer in Michigan
(Not linked intentionally)
The scammer’s name is Aspyen Smith. She sells on Hoobly under user name “speciallove888”. I put down a $150 deposit with no return message to pick up the puppy. She has completely ghosted me and will not answer her phone or return any calls. I’m mad but also sad as I had a chance to meet the little puppy and fell in love. I’m reporting seller so she can’t hurt other buyers and run away with their deposits.
Note: As these are user-submitted reports, Doodle Doods has no way to verify the source or truthfulness to any claims. Please see our Terms of Use for more information.
Do your due diligence and check out these articles to learn more about how to find the best breeder for you:
Want to tell people about YOUR experience with a Doodle scammer or puppy mill? Report them here.