My Doodle Crush

Reported Doodle Puppy Mill in Utah

(Not linked intentionally)

A User Says:
Complaint Details
Subject: Complaint Against MyDoodleCrush for Selling Sick Puppy

I am writing to file a formal complaint against MyDoodleCrush regarding the purchase of a puppy on April 7, 2024, which unfortunately was diagnosed with mycoplasma cynos (associated with dirty puppy mills) and severe pneumonia shortly after arrival. Despite multiple attempts to contact MyDoodleCrush for assistance and clarification regarding the health of the puppy, I have not received any response. On the date of purchase, I acquired a puppy from MyDoodleCrush. Within 12 hours of receiving the puppy, it began showing symptoms of illness, including severe coughing, lethargic, heaving,  and difficulty breathing. I promptly sought medical attention for the puppy, resulting in hospitalization and ongoing treatment under veterinary care. The veterinary bills for the treatment of this puppy have exceeded $3600, and the puppy continues to require intensive care due to its critical condition. My attempts to reach out to MyDoodleCrush via phone calls and text messages have gone unanswered, leaving me deeply concerned about the welfare of the puppy and other animals in their care and seeking resolution to this matter. I believe that MyDoodleCrush has engaged in deceptive practices by selling a sick puppy without disclosing its health condition and failing to provide appropriate support or response after the sale. This lack of communication and responsibility has caused significant emotional distress and financial burden. My primary concerns include seeking reimbursement for the substantial veterinary expenses incurred, as well as ensuring that MyDoodleCrush takes responsibility for selling a sick puppy and failing to provide adequate customer support.

This is the majority of the letter I sent to BBB.

Note: As these are user-submitted reports, Doodle Doods has no way to verify the source or truthfulness to any claims. Please see our Terms of Use for more information.

Do your due diligence and check out these articles to learn more about how to find the best breeder for you:

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