Do Cockapoos shed? Why do Cockapoos shed? How much do Cockapoos shed? These are the questions that many people ask before taking on the huge commitment of expanding their family with an adorable little Dood.

If you’re thinking about a Cockapoo, you probably know why these little Doods are so amazing. They’ve got the most precious looks, the sweetest personality, and they’re a great choice for people who struggle with dog dander allergy. After all, Cockapoos are “completely non-shedding, hypoallergenic dogs”! …Or are they?

In this guide, we discuss everything about Cockapoo shedding levels, causes, prevention, and how you can combat shedding. Let’s dive in! 

Table of Contents

Do Cockapoos Shed?

Cockapoos are generally low-shedding dogs. However, some Cockapoos might shed hair. This depends on whether they take more after the Poodle parent or the Cocker Spaniel parent.

Thanks to their Poodle heritage, Cockapoos are often praised for their low-shedding, almost hypoallergenic coats. That being said, there’s no such thing as a completely hypoallergenic dog. Even Poodles shed hair, but as it gets stuck in their fur, it won’t usually trigger any allergies.

And although Cockapoos greatly benefit from the Poodle genes in their genetic makeup, it’s not uncommon for some Cockapoos to shed some hair. The Cockapoo’s other parent – the Cocker Spaniel – actually has a shedding undercoat. So, it only makes sense to assume that not all Cockapoos inherit the highly coveted, non-shedding Poodle coat. 

Why Do Some Cockapoos Shed?

There are many reasons that contribute to a Cockapoo’s shedding levels. Mainly, their coat type, which is determined by their genetic makeup and generation. Let’s take a closer look…

Coat Type

Like many other Doodles, Cockapoos can come in three different types of coats. As we’re combining the Cocker Spaniel and Poodle, the outcome can lean on either side. Or sit somewhere right in between. 

Curly Coat

First, we have the curly, Poodle-like hair that usually sheds the least out of the three coat types. The curly coat does not come with an undercoat and therefore it sheds very minimally, if any at all. And even though this coat type is desired by most people who suffer from dog dander allergy, it’s important to note that it’s also the hardest to maintain. 

Interestingly enough, these coats also trap in any loose dog hair due to their textured and thick curls. As we mentioned, even curly, single-coated dogs shed some amount of hair, but the hair simply won’t fall out. Instead, it gets stuck inside the fur. That’s also why regular brushing is so important for curly coats, as dead hair can start to form into tangles and mats if left unbrushed. 

do cockapoos shed - curly coat cockapoo
Cockapoo with a curly coat.

Wavy Coat

Then we have the Cockapoo wavy coat that combines the best of both worlds. Wavy coat Cockapoos may or may not come with an undercoat. And even if they do, they usually don’t shed too much. And compared to the curly coat, the wavy combination coat is usually much easier to maintain, as it isn’t as prone to matting. 

do cockapoos shed - wavy coat cockapoo
Cockapoo with a wavy coat.

Straight Coat

Lastly, some Cockapoos can also inherit the Cocker Spaniel straight coat. They typically come with an undercoat, which means that these pups are most likely to shed. However, thanks to the Poodle genes, they shed considerably less than the purebred Cocker Spaniel parent. 

do cockapoos shed - straight coat cockapoo
Cockapoo with a straight coat.

Genetics & Generation

We now know which Cockapoo coat types shed the least and which ones the most. But what determines a Cockapoo’s coat type? Their genetics! 

If a Cockapoo’s genetic makeup consists mostly of Poodle genes, it’s very likely that they’ll inherit a low-shedding coat. Likewise, if a Cockapoo’s genetic makeup leans more on the Cocker Spaniel side, it’s likely that they come with a coat that does shed some hair.

One of the easiest ways of predicting whether or not a Cockapoo will shed is by looking at their generation. However, a Doodle’s generation can only tell us so much. That’s why ethical breeders do genetic testing on their breeding dogs, as it’s the best way to determine how the puppies in the litter will turn out. 

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Further down in this article you will find a detailed explanation of Cockapoo generations and how they compare in terms of shedding.

Other Causes Of Cockapoo Shedding

Even though Cockapoo shedding is mostly determined by their coat type and genetics, there are other variables that come into play. Most commonly, the issues are health related, such as diet, allergies and sensitivities, stress or anxiety, or even fleas and ticks. 


One of the leading causes of excessive Cockapoo shedding is improper diet. Firstly, you might want to double check if your pup is getting all the necessary nutrients from its diet. Not all dog food formulas are created the same, which can lead to skin irritation, nutrient deficiencies, and so on. This in turn can cause excessive shedding in Cockapoos.

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You’ll also want to make sure that if you do switch between brands and dog food formulas, you do it gradually over time. Otherwise, your pup can experience tummy issues and also problems with their skin and coat. 

Allergies & Sensitivities

Just like other Doodles, Cockapoos are at a risk of developing food and skin allergies and sensitivities. It’s not uncommon for a pup that experiences a certain sensitivity or an allergy to start shedding more than usual. 

Allergens and unsuitable foods can trigger tummy issues, but also cause itchiness, skin rashes, dryness, all of which can lead to excessive Cockapoo shedding and hair loss. In addition to that, certain ingredients in dog shampoos and conditioners can also cause issues with skin health and shedding. 

Fleas, Ticks, & Parasites

Fleas, ticks, and parasites are another common cause of skin problems in Cockapoos. The symptoms are very similar to regular skin allergies and sensitivities. First your pup gets itchy, then he starts excessively scratching, and before you know it, you’ll find bald spots in your pup’s coat. All of this goes hand in hand with clumps of dead hair on the floor and furniture.

Anxiety & Stress

Lastly, dogs can just as well struggle with mental health problems as humans. As sensitive and affectionate creatures, Cockapoos are known to be quite attached to their owners. That’s not an issue on its own, but it can become one if your pup doesn’t get enough attention and human interaction. 

The most common causes of stress and anxiety in Cockapoos are separation anxiety, changes in daily routine or family, moving, boredom, or lack of mental and physical stimulation. 

To relieve their stress, dogs usually start compulsively licking and scratching themselves. Of course, this often leads to excessive shedding, hair loss, and bald patches. 

How Much Do Cockapoos Shed?

Depending on a Cockapoo’s coat type and genetics, they may range from completely non-shedding to shedding a considerable amount of hair seasonally. If your Cockapoo takes more after their Poodle parent, they’ll likely shed very little, if any at all. But if they take more after the Cocker Spaniel parent, you should be prepared for some shedding. 

Again, this all depends on your Cockapoo’s coat type and genetics – whether or not they have a shedding undercoat, and how curly their hair actually is.

If you’re looking to adopt a very low-shedding Cockapoo, you should opt for a curly-coated pup. However, if you don’t have a severe dog dander allergy and you don’t mind a little, tiny bit of shedding, a wavy coat Cockapoo might also be a great fit for you.

In contrast, straight coat Cockapoos tend to shed more than their curly and wavy haired counterparts. But even so, the Poodle in their genetic makeup can drastically reduce the level of shedding, especially when compared to purebred Cocker Spaniels. 

Of course, there’s also a chance that your Cockapoo will shed more hair if they experience any nutrient deficiencies, allergies, sensitivities, or other health issues. If your Cockapoo’s shedding is caused by any of those issues, we recommend you contact your vet as soon as possible. 

Do Cockapoos Shed? Breed Generation Comparison

As we briefly mentioned above, a Cockapoo’s generation can give us a pretty good hint whether or not they’ll shed. Like other hybrid breeds, Cockapoos are categorized in different generations. Cockapoo generations tell us how much of a Cockapoo’s genetic makeup consists of either of the parental breeds. 

Obviously, generations aren’t the definitive answer to predicting a litter’s coat type. Even puppies from the same litter can have different coat types. But it does take much of the guesswork out of the equation. 

If this is your first time hearing about it then don’t worry, we’ll make it easy for you to understand: 

1st Parent2nd Parent% Cocker Spaniel*% Poodle*Potential For Shedding
F1 Cockapoo (first-generation)Boston TerrierPoodle50%50%F1 Cockapoos may come with a lightly shedding undercoat. 
F1B Cockapoo (first-generation backcross)F1 CockapooPoodle25%75%F1b Cockapoos may or may not have an undercoat, but they generally shed much less than F1 Cockapoos.
F1BB Cockapoo (first-generation backcross backcross)F1B CockapooPoodle12.5%87.5%F1bb Cockapoos are usually the safest option, as they tend to be single-layered, shedding very minimally, if any at all. 
F2 Cockapoo (second-generation)F1 CockapooF1 Cockapoo50%50%F2 Cockapoos may come with a lightly shedding undercoat. 
F2B Cockapoo (second-generation backcross)F1 CockapooF1B Cockapoo37.5%62.5%F2b Cockapoos may or may not have a shedding undercoat, but they tend to shed less than F1 and F2 Cockapoos. 
F2B Cockapoo (alternate cross)F2 CockapooPoodle25%75%F2b Cockapoos are often single-coated dogs that shed very minimally, if at all. 
F3 / Multigen CockapooF1B Cockapoo or higherF1B Cockapoo or higherVariesVariesMultigenerational Cockapoos are most commonly bred to achieve low to non-shedding coats. However, their potential for shedding depends on their genetic makeup. 
Doodle Generations explained 2022

Do F1 Cockapoos Shed?

F1 or first-generation Cockapoos can shed some hair, as they have a 50-50 mix of both parental breeds. Since F1 Cockapoos are roughly 50% Cocker Spaniel and 50% Poodle, the outcomes can greatly vary. For this reason, F1 Cockapoos might not be the best choice for people who struggle with severe dog dander allergy. 

But this doesn’t mean that all F1 Cockapoos shed. Some puppies from the same F1 litter can have wavy coats, some can have straight coats, and others come with the more Poodle-like curly coat. But, if a puppy has inherited a double coat from the Cocker Spaniel parent, it’s very likely that they will shed some hair. 

Do F1b Cockapoos Shed?

F1b Cockapoos have a much higher chance of inheriting a low-shedding coat, as their genetic makeup consists of 75% Poodle and 25% Cocker Spaniel. F1b Doods are created by crossing an F1 Cockapoo back to a Poodle, and for this reason they’re generally considered more allergy-friendly than their F1 parents.

Oftentimes, F1b Cockapoos come with either a curly coat or a minimally shedding wavy coat. But, nature works in mysterious ways and some pups can also come with a straight coat. All in all, when comparing the F1 and F1b Cockapoos in terms of their shedding, F1b pups are a safer choice for people who are looking for a very low-shedding companion. 

Do F1bb Cockapoos Shed?

F1bb Cockapoos are typically the least prone to shedding, since they often inherit the majority of their traits from the Poodle side of their lineage. The first-generation backcross backcross Cockapoo is achieved by crossing an F1b Cockapoo back to a Poodle. This makes their genetic makeup a whopping 87.5% Poodle and only 12.5% Cocker Spaniel.

Do F2 Cockapoos Shed?

F2 Cockapoos are very similar to F1 pups in terms of their genetic makeup. They’re both 50-50 mixes of Poodle and Cocker Spaniel. Therefore, we can expect an F2 Cockapoo litter to have puppies with different coat types and various levels of shedding. Similarly to F1 Doods, the F2 Cockapoo might not be the best choice for people who are looking for a non-shedding dog. 

Do F2b Cockapoos Shed?

Like their F1b counterparts, F2b Cockapoos are achieved by crossing an F2 Cockapoo back to a Poodle. Their genetic makeup has 75% Poodle and 25% Cocker Spaniel. Like their F1b relatives, these pups tend to shed very minimally and usually less than F1 and F2 Cockapoos. 

Do F2bb Cockapoos Shed?

Similarly to F1bb pups, F2bb Cockapoos have 87.5% Poodle and 12.5% Cocker Spaniel, making them a great choice for people with severe dog dander allergy. As their genetic makeup consists mostly of Poodle genes, they often come with curly coats and they’re the least likely to shed. 

How Do You Keep A Cockapoo From Shedding?

If your Cockapoo does shed some hair, you can actually take quite a few simple steps to minimize the issue. Mainly, make sure you stay on top of your Cockapoo’s grooming and hygiene routine, and ensure they’re getting the right kind of food that suits their needs. Let’s take a closer look. 

Brush Often

The best, easiest way of combating Cockapoo shedding is brushing your pup on a daily basis. For curly coat Cockapoos, daily brushing is an absolute must, as their hair becomes easily tangled and is most prone to matting. However, wavy and straight coat Cockapoos with undercoats also benefit from daily brushing. By doing this every day, you’ll notice that there’s much less loose hair around the house and on your furniture. 

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Proper Nutrition

As we mentioned earlier, a healthy and balanced, high-quality diet is the backbone of your Cockapoos coat and skin health. We recommend you opt for dog food formulas that contain plenty of high-quality, real ingredients and added supplements like omega-3 fatty acids. 

In addition to that, as Cockapoos can develop food allergies and sensitivities over time, you might have to switch out their main source of protein. Most commonly, chicken is the main trigger of allergies in Doodles. However, dogs can also become allergic to other protein sources over time. 

If your Cockapoo’s shedding is related to dietary problems, always consult with your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist to get to the root of the issue and find an appropriate solution for your pup. 

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Bathing & Grooming

Bathing and routine grooming are crucial to keep your pup from excessively shedding. Firstly, if your Cockapoo struggles with skin sensitivities and allergies, opt for soothing or hypoallergenic shampoos and conditioners specially formulated for sensitive pups. 

Secondly, if your Cockapoo is a heavy shedder, you might want to try a de-shedding or anti-shedding dog shampoo that many Doodle owners swear by. 

Reducing Stress

Lastly, you’ll want to make sure that your puppy lives a happy and stress-free life, just like dogs are intended to. First and foremost, your Dood is your companion – a family member. So, it’s important you have set aside plenty of time for cuddles, snuggles, playtime, and exercise each day. And don’t forget to establish a set routine, as it’s the best way to promote confidence and sense of security in your pup.

Do Cockapoos Shed: Frequently Asked Questions

Does A Cockapoo Shed Hair?

Cockapoos greatly benefit from the Poodle genes in their genetic makeup and they generally shed much less than their Cocker Spaniel parents. However, some Cockapoos are more prone to shedding than others. A Cockapoo’s shedding levels are determined by their coat type and genetic makeup. All in all, Cockapoos are relatively low-shedders, but it all depends how much your dog inherits their traits from either of the parent breeds. 

Which Cockapoo Sheds Least?

Generally, curly-coated backcrossed Cockapoos (F1b, F2b, etc.) shed the least, as they’ve inherited their coat type from the Poodle side of the lineage. After curly-haired pups, the second best choice is a wavy coat Cockapoo. However, these pups may or may not come with a shedding undercoat. And finally, we have the straight coat Cockapoo that usually sheds more than their curly and wavy coat counterparts.

Do Mini Cockapoos Shed?

Mini Cockapoos can shed just as much as any other size of Cockapoo. It all comes down to your puppy’s genetic makeup, generation, and how they were created. 

For instance, if your Mini Cockapoo is a 50-50 mix of the Poodle and Cocker Spaniel, they may come with a shedding undercoat. But if they were bred as an F1b Mini Cockapoo, it’s more likely that they will inherit a low-shedding wavy or curly coat.

Do Cockapoos Shed: Final Thoughts

Probably the most important questions that any future Cockapoo owner wants to know are – do Cockapoos shed? How much do Cockapoos shed? And why do Cockapoos shed?

In general, Cockapoos are low-shedding dogs, which means that they won’t leave much loose hair or dog dander around the house. Nonetheless, these pups do shed hair, but it all comes down to their coat type and genetic makeup. Some Cockapoos shed very little, while others can leave quite a mess behind them. 

At the end of the day, the best way you can combat Cockapoo shedding is by brushing and bathing your dog regularly. You’ll also want to keep their stress levels at a minimum, feed your pup a healthy and high quality diet, and provide them a happy, fulfilled life. 

Parents of Cockapoos: Does your Cockapoo shed and how much? Let us know in the comments below!

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