Intestinal worms are extremely common in dogs and puppies. Luckily, we live in the day and age, where we have plenty of deworming medications and treatments available. But how long does it take for dewormer to work? That’s exactly what we’re going to figure out in this very article. Keep on reading to find out the answer! 

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How Long Does It Take For Dewormer To Work: Intro

Although wildly disgusting, intestinal worms are very common in dogs and puppies of all ages, even in the healthiest of pups. Dogs are notoriously curious creatures that love to sniff, smell, inspect, and eat anything and everything they encounter. Of course, this poses a huge risk of catching viruses, bacteria, and also intestinal worms. 

In addition to that, puppies can also get worms from their mother, as parasites can transmit to puppies while the pups are still in their mother’s womb. Needless to say, dogs and puppies can also get worms from other pets, and even from fleas. Pups can also get infected after eating raw meat or garbage. 

If you’re a dog owner, using a dewormer regularly is probably nothing new to you. And if it is, then it’s about time you get yourself acquainted with dog deworming to keep your pup healthy and happy at all times. 

In fact, intestinal worms and parasites can leave your pup feeling ill, and they can even lead to serious health complications if left untreated. And let’s face it, it’s pretty gross to think about worms and parasites wiggling in your pup’s body. 

What Is Deworming?

Dog deworming is the process of getting rid of any intestinal worms your puppy or dog might have. It’s also recommended to use a dewormer to prevent your pup from catching worms. 

It’s important to note that although following a deworming protocol will help rid your pup from intestinal worms, it doesn’t mean that the worms won’t come back at one point or another. This is why keeping track of your dog’s health, behavior, and bowel movements is crucial. 

What’s more, some worms can also be transmitted to humans, which can then cause health issues for you and your family members as well. If left untreated, you’ll simply transmit the worms back to your other family members and pets. This is why it’s crucial you tackle the problem as soon as possible. 

However, the type of dewormer you use depends on what type of worms your dog has. Similarly, the answer to the question “how long does it take for dewormer to work?” depends on the type of worms your dog has. 

What Types Of Worms Are Found In Dogs And Puppies?

First we have hookworms, a common parasite that attaches to your dog’s intestinal lining. Hookworms can quickly start multiplying in your dog’s intestines, and they’re commonly found in contaminated soil and wet grass.

Then there are roundworms that are also found in contaminated soil, but also feces. Roundworms are especially common in newborn puppies, which is why very young puppies should always be on a deworming protocol. For this reason, ethical breeders usually deworm their pups at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks old. You’ll also have to continue using a dewormer approximately every few weeks or so, based on your veterinarian’s recommendations.

In addition to hookworms and roundworms, a dog might also catch tapeworms, which are most commonly transmitted through fleas, but also contaminated soil. However, it might be tricky to detect tapeworms, as they generally don’t cause any apparent symptoms. 

There are also whipworms, which can be extremely dangerous for your pup. Like other worms, whipworms can live in contaminated soil, or on other everyday items, such as on contaminated food and water bowls.

And lastly, we have heartworms – the most dangerous of them all. Heartworms are commonly transmitted by mosquitoes, and they quickly settle in and multiply in the heart. This in turn can cause lung disease, heart failure, and organ damage. If left untreated, heartworms can prove to be fatal. Treating heartworms is extremely difficult, long, and expensive. So, the best way to combat them is by preventing them with heartworm preventives. 

Signs Of Puppy Worms

As we learned previously, not all worms cause symptoms that are easily distinguishable. However, there are still common signs of puppy worms to look out for. These include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Lethargy and weakness
  • Dehydration
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Bloody stools
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Anemia
  • Intestinal blockages
  • Coughing 
  • Pneumonia
  • Issues with coat and skin health, such as skin irritations, bald patches, or dull coat
  • Pot-bellied appearance 
  • Butt scooting
  • Excessive butt licking
  • Visible worms in stools or in fur around the bum area

In the case of heartworms, you may notice that your pup can’t keep up on their usual daily walkies, they’re coughing, or having trouble breathing. They may also have a weaker pulse. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s time for an urgent vet visit. 

Since some worm infections are asymptomatic, it’s vital to keep your pup on a regular deworming schedule recommended by your vet. This is the best and easiest way to keep your dog healthy and free from worms. At least, this helps manage worm infestations and prevent any serious health issues. 

Moreover, some worms can only be diagnosed under microscopic examination of a stool sample. For this reason, many vets ask for a stool sample during yearly examinations to rule out any worm infections. 

Deworming Procedure In Dogs

There are various types of dewormers for dogs, and you should only administer a specific one that your veterinarian has recommended. Most commonly, dog dewormers come in either pill or liquid form, or as spot-on treatments. In some cases, your veterinarian may also administer a deworming injection. 

Administering a dog dewormer is generally easy and very straightforward. If your pup likes to eat whatever you offer them, then it’s going to be super simple. Just give them the appropriate dosage of the dewormer and you’re done! 

But, you can also hide the tablet into your pup’s wet food or in a tasty treat. Be sure to check that your dog has swallowed the whole tablet, as this is the only way the dewormer can actually take effect. If they do vomit shortly after taking the dewormer, check if the tablet is in there. If it is, then you can give them another dose. However, if the dewormer has been partially digested or not visible, contact your vet about the next steps.  

With spot-on treatments, your dog doesn’t have to ingest anything, and they’re just as effective as tablets (unless your veterinarian recommends otherwise).  

Obviously, you’ll also want to stick to the exact dosage that your vet has prescribed, as this is based on your dog’s age, current health, and size, including their height and weight. Some of the most common deworming medications for dogs include Drontal Plus, Panacur, and Fenbendazole. 

Additionally, you should follow through the whole deworming protocol that your veterinarian has prescribed. Otherwise, it’s very likely that you won’t get rid of all the worms. As a result, the worms will start multiplying again, and you’ll be back at square one in no time. 

How Often Should You Deworm Your Dog?

Generally, puppies should be dewormed every 2 weeks, starting from 2 weeks of age and up until they’re 3 months old. After the 12 week mark, veterinarians usually recommend continuing with monthly dewormers until your pup turns 6 months old. And after that, it’s advised to deworm your puppy every 3 months (or 4 times a year) throughout their life, even in adulthood. 

Side Effects Of Dog Dewormers

Dog dewormers are extremely helpful at keeping intestinal worms at bay. However, it’s not uncommon for dogs and puppies to experience some side effects after deworming. 

Some of the most common side effects of dog deworming medications include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and an upset stomach. These side effects are generally mild, don’t last long, and shouldn’t cause any serious issues. However, if you do notice any worrying signs, always consult with your veterinarian to get to the root of the problem. 

Efficacy Of Deworming In Dogs

How long does it take for dewormer to work and are they even efficient? Luckily, dog dewormers are extremely effective at eliminating intestinal parasites and worms. Dewormers are also helpful in preventing worm infections. As we discussed earlier, the best way to go about this is by keeping puppies and dogs on a regular deworming schedule as suggested by your veterinarian. 

On the other hand, the efficacy depends on what type of dog dewormer you’re using. Unfortunately, one specific dog dewormer probably won’t be effective against all types of intestinal worms. Because of this, it’s crucial that you consult with your veterinarian about the best solution for your dog based on the type of worm or worms they have. 

Furthermore, you’ll also want to keep your dog on routine flea prevention to prevent tapeworms and other parasites that can be transmitted through fleas. Above all, follow appropriate measures to keep your house and yard clean and hygienic. Always clean up dog feces from the yard, wash your hands frequently, and clean your house after any accidents happen. Hygiene is a vital factor in preventing further worm infections. 

Likewise, it’s crucial to train your puppy from an early age to only munch on appropriate foods and chew toys, as eating garbage, stools, and soiled items can quickly lead to a worm infection. Not to mention, it’s just plain disgusting and poses a health hazard to your whole household, especially if your dog loves giving you kisses. 

How Long Does It Take For A Dewormer To Work?

Now onto the big question – how long does it take for dewormer to work? Dog dewormers usually start working rather quickly, around 2 to 6 hours after administering the deworming medication. You can usually expect to see an improvement in your dog’s health in a matter of days, and they should quickly regain their health. 

On the other hand, it will take some time for your pup to be completely worm free, depending on how severe the infection was, and how many worms were present in their system. It can take a few days and up to a few weeks for your pup to be completely free from intestinal parasites after deworming. 

Throughout this process, you’ll want to keep an eye on your dog’s health and bowel movements. If at any point after deworming you’re unsure if the treatment has worked, be sure to consult with your veterinarian about the appropriate next steps. 

How Long Does It Take To Kill Worms In Dogs After Deworming?

How long does it take for worms to leave a dog? Are the worms dead and can you see them in your dog’s stool after deworming? Interestingly, not all worms die after deworming. It’s completely normal to see live worms in your dog’s stool after deworming. Likewise, some worms are killed and broken down by the dewormer, so you won’t even detect them in your dog’s stool. All of this depends on what type of worms your pup had. 

How Long Does It Take For Dewormer To Work: Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take For A Dewormer To Work On Worms?

So, how long does dewormer take to work? Dog dewormers usually start working quickly, within 2 to 6 hours after administering the dewormer to your dog. Nonetheless, it may take a few days and up to a few weeks for your dog to be completely free from worms. 

How Do You Know If Dog Dewormer Is Working?

You’ll notice a significant improvement in your dog’s overall health, and they probably won’t show symptoms of worm infections anymore, such as lethargy, coughing, diarrhea, or vomiting. In case of worms that can only be diagnosed via a stool sample, your vet will likely ask you to bring in another stool sample after finishing the prescribed dewormer. 

How Long Does It Take A Dog To Absorb Wormer?

How long do dog worming tablets take to work depends on the severity of the worm infestation. As we mentioned earlier, dog dewormers usually start working in a few hours time, provided that your pup has properly ingested and digested the correct dose of dewormer. 

However, it’s not uncommon for some dogs to vomit after taking a dewormer. In those instances, you’ll want to observe if they’ve ingested the whole tablet, or if they’ve vomited some of it out. If you don’t find any fragments of the dewormer in your dog’s vomit, you’re all set. However, if you find the whole tablet or a part of it in the vomit, you’ll likely have to administer another dose (or a smaller dose – consult with your vet!) for it to take effect. 

How Long Does It Take For Dewormer To Work: Final Thoughts

Intestinal worms are a common issue in dogs, which cannot always be prevented. After all, dogs are curious creatures that like to explore everything around them, even if it’s not particularly healthy for them. For this reason, deworming is a vital procedure that you should pay attention to throughout your dog’s life. Hopefully this article managed to answer your question “how long does it take for dewormer to work?” so you can keep your pup healthy and happy for as long as possible. 

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The information on this page is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for qualified professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have.

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