I recently came across a thread on Facebook that piqued my interest, especially because of the grooming aspect. Fellow Doodle owner Tracy M. asked the following question:

“Why did you decide to get a “Goldendoodle”, “Labradoodle”, “Aussiedoodle”……. ? Was it just because they look like fuzzy bears? Was it a fad or the trend? I saw an earlier post about “doodles” being “poodled”. And, some of the comments blow me away.

When I got my F1B Goldendoodle, I did my research. I knew I wanted an intelligent dog, (one of the smartest)-Poodle, and I new I wanted a dog that retrieved, (Golden ret.) and with that I knew I wanted a dog that loved water, and hunting….(poodle, Golden Ret.). Mostly, I wanted a dog that was loyal, and good with people.

I have to say, [my doodle] is one of the smartest, and easiest dogs I’ve EVER trained (I’m not a professional). I didn’t get her just because I wanted a shaggy dog. That’s fine, that some like theirs shaggy, some like theirs short. But, a lot of these very folks complaining about their dog getting “poodled” is because they don’t commit and properly groom their dogs.

I choose to poodle my doodle. She is an active dog. She walks at least 3 miles daily, she knows more tasks and commands than most, she hunts (deer sheds), she loves adventures and hikes trails on our ranch several days a week. And, yes she could and has done all of this with shaggy hair, but “I” prefer to make it easier on her and me, and have the shorter hair, but I also like to incorporate “style”, so yes, I PROUDLY poodle my doodle. AND, just to note I have personally got RUDE private messages concerning my choice of cut!!”

Tracy M.

Now, as you probably know, I am definitely someone who frequently “poodles my Doodle”. Chloe gets a full-body shave-down 3 or 4 times a year, and I do the grooms myself. So I wanted to take this opportunity to give my thoughts on such a heated topic in the Doodle world.

See Also:

(Click the image)

“Why did you decide to get a “Goldendoodle”, “Labradoodle”, “Aussiedoodle”……. ? Was it just because they look like fuzzy bears? Was it a fad or the trend?”

When I got Chloe in 2009, I had no idea what a “Goldendoodle” was. (I think it was right before they started becoming all the rage.) I was a 19 year old college student at the time, I had just moved out of my parents’ house and all my life I had wanted a dog. Living on my own, and with my boyfriend-now-husband, we decided we wanted to get a dog together. So we started looking.

My only criteria were that I didn’t want a dog that sheds, and I didn’t want a big dog. Then one February weekend, I came across a local “Goldendoodle” breeder’s ad online. The ad said something about her puppies being non-shedding and that they would be “mini” when full grown. Not to mention, I fell in love with the pictures of her white puppies, and right then and there I knew I needed one. Honestly, I didn’t do any research about the breed – I was just too excited to get a dog for the first time in my life!

Within hours we were meeting with the breeder, and that’s the day we brought Chloe home. 🙂

Anyway, back to the topic. (Sorry, couldn’t help but get a little sidetracked down memory lane!)

See Also:

(Click the image)

“I didn’t get her just because I wanted a shaggy dog.”

Now that you know how Chloe came into my life, the signature doodle “fuzzy bear” look really had nothing to do with it. I didn’t even realize that was going to be how she turned out – I just wanted a dog that wouldn’t get hair all over every single thing I owned. (Yes I know…obviously if a dog is not shedding, then it’s growing its hair out and is going to be shaggy.) Note: allergies was one of the most common reasons why others chimed in on why they got a Doodle.

Don’t get me wrong, I do like the doodle “fuzzy bear” look for the most part, but my husband and I just happen to like the “classic dog” look more – you know, the one where you can see the outline and curves of the dog. This is another huge reason why Chloe gets shaved – WE think she looks better that way. 

“When I got [my] F1B Goldendoodle, I did my research. I knew I wanted an intelligent dog, (one of the smartest)-Poodle, and I new I wanted a dog that retrieved, (Golden ret.) and with that I knew I wanted a dog that loved water, and hunting….(poodle, Golden Ret.). Mostly, I wanted a dog that was loyal, and good with people. I have to say, [my doodle] is one of the smartest, and easiest dogs I’ve EVER trained (I’m not a professional).”

Despite not doing my research, I would say I got really lucky with Chloe. I can relate to all this ^ and I’m sure most Doodle owners can, too.

“But, a lot of these very folks complaining about their dog getting “poodled” is because they don’t commit and properly groom their dogs.”

This is becoming a huge problem. In fact, groomers are starting to hate doodles and their owners for this very reason.

See Also:

(Click the image)

“I choose to poodle my doodle. She is an active dog. She walks at least 3 miles daily, she knows more tasks and commands than most, she hunts (deer sheds), she loves adventures and hikes trails on our ranch several days a week. And, yes she could and has done all of this with shaggy hair, but “I” prefer to make it easier on her and me, and have the shorter hair.”

Like Tracy, we are outside a lot and I don’t really want Chloe bringing who-knows-what back home with us in her hair.

Joke’s on us…

(This was another common reason why others chimed in in favor of poodle-ing their Doodles.)

“but I also like to incorporate ‘style’ ”

Great minds think alike?!

Goldendoodle half-shaved head
Chloe rockin’ her pink half-shaved head-mohawk

“so yes, I PROUDLY poodle my doodle.”

Me, too!

“AND, just to note I have personally got RUDE private messages concerning my choice of cut!!”

Luckily, I have not once received any negativity about the way Chloe looks, even though we run this website and are in the “internet limelight”. Actually, I am surprised to hear that people would go out of their way to give their unsolicited opinion on something so insignificant…live and let live, guys! 🙂

Do you “Poodle your Doodle”? Why or why not?

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22 thoughts on “Why in the WORLD Would You “Poodle Your Doodle”?

Groomers Are Starting to Hate Doodles (and Their Owners)…a Public Service Announcement - Doodle Doods Reply

[…] I am the epitome of lazy, but home maintenance is SUPER important with doodles, and not just to save face with the groomer. Deep mats are really uncomfortable for dogs, so if anything, let that be your reason to brush your doodle as much as you can. And if you are unwilling to spend the time to care for your doodle’s coat, then don’t be surprised or offended when the groomer has no choice but to “poodle your doodle”.  […]

April 4, 2019 at 8:21 am
"UN-Poodling" My Doodle! - Doodle Doods Reply

[…] you ever gone to pick up your pup from the groomer, and to your dismay your doodle got “poodled”? If only there was a way you could un-poodle your doodle…well, there is! …kind […]

May 15, 2019 at 7:16 pm
Goldendoodle Haircuts and Styles that Will Make You Swoon! Reply

[…] Why in the WORLD Would You “Poodle Your Doodle”? […]

May 17, 2019 at 9:17 pm
QUIZ: Should You Get a Goldendoodle? - Doodle Doods Reply

[…] As fellow doodle owner Tracy Miller says: […]

May 19, 2019 at 2:54 pm