The transition from a puppy coat to an adult one can come as a bit of a shock to novice owners and newbie pet parents. You may be smugly happy with your puppy’s super beautiful, low-shed, vibrant hair…. and then suddenly, everything changes. This “blowing of the puppy coat” tends to happen anywhere between 4 and 8 months, although it could take as long as two years. Some breeders choose not to mention it for fear of putting off prospective buyers. However, here we will let you know exactly what to expect when your Goldendoodle puppy coat transition happens.

Types of Goldendoodle Coats

All dogs are born with a soft, single-layer puppy coat, whether they later go on to develop a double-layered one or not. Goldendoodles are no exception. This smooth, silky hair then gives way to something that can be altogether trickier to manage. Knots, tangles, mats, and shedding can become real problems with some dogs. 

As you probably know by now, with a mixed breed, there are no certainties. Especially when the parent animals are so different. One half of the Goldendoodle equation, the Golden Retriever, has a dense, straight, water-resistant double coat. In contrast, the other half, the Poodle, has a curly, coarse, low-shedding single one. 

Depending on which parent they favor, Goldendoodles can inherit either of these coats or a wavy, fleecy, long one that sits somewhere in between the two. This is generally the most common and the most popular of the three. 

For more on Goldendoodle coats and the right tools for caring for them, take a look at The Absolute Best Brushes for Goldendoodles.

How To Tell What Coat a Goldendoodle Puppy Will Have

As touched on above, it’s impossible to be sure what will happen when combining the genetics of two such different breeds. Nature can be a bit of a lottery. We can, however, make a few best guesses based on the parents and what usually happens. 

One thing we do know for sure is that whichever adult coat your pup is destined to have, it will be altogether stiffer and denser than their puppy one. It could even be a different color, thanks to the Poodle Fading Gene

Breeders, however, do highlight a few telltale traits that could give you an early idea of what to expect: 

Check The Snout

An excess of hair at the top of the snout (known as a mustache) indicates that your pup is likely to end up with a coat on the curlier end of the spectrum. Straighter, shaggier, beard-like hair suggests a wavier coat. If your dog has short hair here and an overall neat and tidy-looking muzzle, they will probably inherit a straight coat.

Pay Attention to the Generation

The generation of the dog can also provide a strong indication of what to expect. For instance, an F1B Goldendoodle backcrossed with a Poodle has 75% Poodle genes, making a wavy or curly coat that much more likely. These dogs usually don’t experience a significant coat change from puppyhood to adulthood.

See Also:

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Goldendoodle Puppy Coat Transition Phases

When it comes to changing from the puppy to the adult coat, there are no clear-cut transition phases. When and how pups blow their puppy coat varies from dog to dog. 

With most dogs, it tends to happen at around six months, and it can be either sudden or gradual. Some owners barely even notice – it all depends on the final hair type. 

However, you may start to notice a little more hair in the brush or a few more tangles around the armpits, tail, and ears. Don’t worry; signs of shedding at this stage are entirely typical and give no indication that your dog has inherited a high-shed coat. 

goldendoodle puppy coat transition - goldendoodle coat changes pictures

If your Goldie is getting more of a curly coat, you will need to be extra vigilant at this time. Curly coats require DAILY brushing, and you should pay special attention to areas of high friction. Shedding puppy hair can all too easily get caught up in tight curls leading on to painful knots and mats that are all but impossible to remove with a brush. 

A good rule of thumb with dogs is that with a low-shedding coat, you have to spend more time on brushing; with a high shedding one that time will be spent cleaning hair up off the floor or your clothes.

Which Goldendoodles Get Puppy Coats?

Pretty much every variety of Goldendoodle from Standard to Mini experiences some sort of coat change as they transition from puppy to adult. Although, with later generations such as F1B, F2, and Multigen, it’s usually more of a subtle one. 

The switch from puppy to adult coat is also less noticeable with active dogs and particularly ones that spend a lot of time swimming. The water washes away the old hair as it is replaced with the new. It is not left about the house as it otherwise would be. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Goldendoodle Puppy Coats

Will my Goldendoodle’s coat change?

Yes, chances are your Goldendoodle’s coat will change. This change could be pretty dramatic or quite subtle depending on the type of adult coat your pup has inherited. They will shed their puppy coat somewhere between four and eight months, and their stiffer, denser adult one will start to come in at this time. 

Do Goldendoodle puppies change color?

While your pup is unlikely to completely change color on you, many Goldies get lighter as their adult coat comes in. This is known as fading. However, these dogs tend to ‘hold on’ to the original color around their face and ears making for one cute and interesting-looking canine. 

How do you tell if a Goldendoodle puppy will have furnishings?

Furnishings refer to the hair features about the face. That iconic Doodle teddy bear look happens when there are furnishings – but this doesn’t always occur. 

furnished vs unfurnished doodle

The best way to know if your Goldie will have furnishings is to pay attention to their generation. F1 Goldendoodles are most likely to be missing them. F1B dogs are the most likely to have them. If a puppy lacks furnishings, they are unlikely to develop them in adulthood. With or without, though, all Doodles are still undeniably cute. 

When adopting a puppy, there are many things you need to be prepared for. A dog’s look can drastically alter as they mature. Many people choose to adopt one of these darling dogs for their hypoallergenic properties. However, it’s crucial that you are aware that a Goldendoodle’s coat can change as they transition from puppy to adult dog.

The best way to anticipate precisely what kind of hair your Goldendoodle will have when they are done blowing their coat is to speak to the breeder. Checking out the parent dogs is also recommended for later generations. However, this is no exact science, and you should really be prepared for anything. We are sure, though,  that no matter how your Goldie ends up looking as they develop, you will love them just the same. How could you not? Just look at that face!

Learn How to Stop Shavedowns For Good & Keep Matting At Bay!

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2 thoughts on “Goldendoodle Puppy Coat Transition: What You Should Know


Hi Whitney,
rescued Pyredoodle. Tucker was 5 when we got him. His hair was all trimmed down. He looked really good, but we knew that his hair was going to grow, and WOW did it. Now every time I brush him, he looks really good. Then the next day it is like I never did it.
His hair is a mix of long and curly. I was thinking of having it cut to a half inch because it grows so fast. What do you think about the length? When he became a member of our family, he weighed 75 lbs. He now weights 110 lbs.

June 9, 2022 at 1:40 pm

Anywhere between 1/4-inch and a half inch would look great, I think!

June 14, 2022 at 2:43 pm

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