“I got my 3 month old puppy groomed short so she can swim and be less hot. She wasn’t matted at all. But now I’m reading that by shaving her so short, it damages her coat?”

Lori S., reader

As we learned in this post, Doodles are generally fine to shave. 

See Also:

(Click the image)

But to answer Lori’s question, it’ll require a little more understanding of what a puppy coat is and how it differs from an adult coat.

What is a Puppy Coat?

A puppy coat is a layer of hair that is softer, thinner, and shorter than the hair of an adult dog. The purpose of this hair is to keep the puppy warm and comfortable during its first weeks of life.

Doodles tend to start shedding their puppy coats around the age of six months, but it can start earlier or later than that. A puppy will not shed his puppy coat all at once. Rather, it is a gradual process. Simultaneously, the adult coat starts to grow in, and is usually completely grown in by 2 years of age. The adult coat is thicker, more rigid, and more dense. 

Now, as mentioned in this post, a Doodle should start visiting the groomer as soon as its shots are all up to date, so around 16-17 weeks.

Nonetheless, six months is still a common time for Doodle puppies to start visiting the groomer. Between a shedding puppy coat and lack of proper brushing and coat care on the owner’s part, it is like the brewing of a perfect storm.

So if your Doodle puppy needs a summer cut and they happen to be right around the age of shedding their puppy coat, don’t be surprised if the hair that eventually grows back isn’t as soft and fluffy as it was before.

Chances are, it happened to get cut all off at the exact right (or wrong) time. But rest assured that this is normal, and that your pup’s coat is not damaged.

What do YOU think? Did you notice a coat change when your Doodle puppy first got groomed? Let us know in the comments!

Learn How to Stop Shavedowns For Good & Keep Matting At Bay!

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The information on this page is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional groomer advice. Always seek the advice of your groomer, veterinarian, or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have.

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2 thoughts on “Will Shaving Damage My Doodle Puppy’s Coat Forever?

Tanis Gennean Reply

Mine is a Doodleman -standard poodle and Doberman (not on your list of doodle breeds). I’ve had a lot of dogs throughout my life and have had GREAT success with ALL of them. This one is completely different and is timid with everything and submissive pees constantly. I’ve had other dogs submissive pee -especially the rescues, but it’s never lasted more than a month and was easy to sort out. This one is hard and super stubborn. Sweet as can be, but submissive pees constantly -getting in:out of the car. She hates getting in (so I pick her up), getting out of the car (tries to keep away from you so you can’t get her out). She wants on the bed but won’t/can’t jump up or down and doesn’t want you to pick her up.
Most of the time she comes when I call her easily, but has started just stopping and staring at me when I call her and then ignores me and goes back to doing/sniffing what she was before I called her.
She HATES the crate and even after a month, freaks out and pees when I put her in or take her out. Normally, my past dogs have never peed going in or out and only hated the crate for about a week and then come to feel comfortable with it as their “den.” She’s never been in it for long (hour or so at a time when I can’t take her with me) except at night. I am a housewife, so I’m never gone for excessive lengths of time. Psychologically, she is completely different than any other dog.
Also, we have chickens. Is there a recommended method to teach her not to kill, but instead protect them or is that a moot point?
Any and all help would be much appreciated!!

August 4, 2021 at 11:33 am
Tiffany Reply

When can I get shadow girl?

October 11, 2021 at 12:24 pm

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