My dog ate a dryer sheet! Help! What should I do? In this guide, we’re talking about all things related to dryer sheets and dogs – the symptoms to look out for, the steps you need to take if your dog ate a dryer sheet, as well as some helpful tips on how to prevent this from happening altogether. 

Table of Contents

My Dog Ate A Dryer Sheet! Intro

As silly as it sounds, it’s not uncommon for our canine pals to dig their teeth into pretty much anything they come across. Whether it’s your dirty underwear, the TV remote, leftovers, or dryer sheets, dogs often can’t help but take a bite out of it. So, if you find yourself in the situation where your dog ate a dryer sheet, then know that you’re not alone! 

But why does it happen in the first place? Should you be more worried if your dog ate a used dryer sheet? What should I do if my dog ate a dryer sheet? Is it dangerous? We’ll answer all of your questions regarding this topic in this very guide, so keep on reading to learn more! 

Why Do Dogs Eat Dryer Sheets?

If you’ve ever seen your pup munching on a dryer sheet, you might be wondering – why do dogs eat them, anyway? While it’s not exactly clear why some doggos love to eat dryer sheets, there are a few potential explanations. 

It could be that your pup finds the scent attractive or reassuring, or even just enjoys the texture of it. Other potential explanations include hunger and boredom, stress, and even anxiety. Of course, let’s not forget that sometimes our dryer sheets get trapped inside our clean clothing and blankets that you’ve just washed and didn’t notice to throw out. And if your pup gets inside those clean fabrics, they just might find an intriguing fabric sheet hiding inside!

So, while it is not entirely clear why dogs eat dryer sheets, it is a behavior that has left many pet owners scratching their heads. Nonetheless, this isn’t a behavior you’d want to encourage. Not only should you consistently teach your pup to not chew on inappropriate objects, it could be extremely dangerous for your pet. 

See Also:

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Are Dryer Sheets Harmful For Dogs?

No matter how big or small, any type of ingestion of a dryer sheet is considered dangerous for your pup. Think about it, most commercial dryer sheets contain chemicals and fragrances, and the extensive ingredient list generally includes ingredients that are toxic to our furry friends. In fact, it wouldn’t be exactly wise for you to munch on dryer sheets, either… 

It’s also important to note that although many products advertise themselves as being natural or free from harmful toxins, they still may have ingredients that are potentially hazardous when ingested. Unfortunately, there’s a common misconception that natural home supplies won’t harm our pets, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Although you might be better off when coming in contact with those more natural and “toxin-free” home cleaning supplies, you should still keep those far away from your pets. 

The chemicals and ingredients in dryer sheets can cause irritation on the skin, inside the mouth, stomach, and digestive system. In severe cases, they could potentially damage the organs. It’s not uncommon for those chemicals to mess with the kidneys, lungs, or liver. 

So, regardless if you use regular, plain old commercial dryer sheets or opt for fancier natural options, you should never let your pup come in contact with them, and by no means should they be able to eat them. 

That being said, it’s not just the chemicals that pose a risk to your pup’s health. The dryer sheet itself can also cause intestinal blockages, which may even require surgical intervention. Especially if your dog ate a dryer sheet fully intact. Although a tummy ache might not be the most severe aftermath, it could also lead to more serious consequences, and even death. 

What Are The Symptoms To Watch Out For After Your Dog Ate A Dryer Sheet?

My dog ate a dryer sheet, are there any symptoms I should pay attention to? As dryer sheets can be extremely dangerous for our best pals, there are quite a few symptoms you may notice soon after. These can range from mild to severe, but regardless of that, this requires immediate veterinary care. 

Common signs to look out for include: 

Additionally, you may notice changes in your dog’s behavior, such as whining, pacing, and other unusual behaviors. That’s why it’s so important you know exactly how your pup usually behaves, so you can notice any worrying signs early on. As our four-legged pals have no other way of communicating with us, it’s vital that you act quickly. 

My Dog Ate A Dryer Sheet. What Should I Do Now?

Check If Your Dog Has Ingested The Dryer Sheet

If your dog has recently eaten a dryer sheet, the first step is to check how much they’ve possibly ingested. For instance, you can do this by checking around their sleeping area for any remaining pieces of the sheet. You should also check how many of the dryer sheets are missing in case your pup had access to the whole box. If your pup got their paws on a larger quantity, you must act urgently!

Additionally, monitor them closely for any signs and symptoms that may suggest your dog ate a dryer sheet. Do you notice any redness on the paws or around and inside the mouth? Does your dog act strangely? Did they vomit? Do they seem to be in pain? As we said earlier, knowing how to spot any unusual signs early on is crucial. 

Refrain From Inducing Vomit Without A Vet’s Guidance

Your initial thought may be to get your pup vomiting either manually or with the help of certain ingredients, we strongly advise against it. Without a veterinarian’s guidance, you should never induce vomiting in your dog after they have eaten a dryer sheet. This could lead to further complications and cause more harm than good. 

Likewise, you should refrain from trying to fix the issue by yourself, such as with “natural home remedies” or by hoping that your pup will poop the dryer sheet out and it’s all uphill from there. 

Call Your Vet Immediately Or Ring The Poison Helpline For Dogs

Instead of trying to get your pup to vomit or poop out the dryer sheet, you should contact your vet as soon as possible. Only a veterinary professional can assess the situation and provide you with further instructions. 

You can also contact a poison helpline for dogs, such as the following:

Be sure to have information about the type of dryer sheet your dog ate and how much they ingested it. This will help the experts provide more accurate advice on how to handle the situation. Also, take careful note of any signs and symptoms your pup may be exhibiting, as this can greatly help the vet make a diagnosis and plan the next steps. 

Tips To Help Your Dog Recover After Eating Dryer Sheets

Follow Your Vet’s Guidelines To A T

My dog ate a dryer sheet! Is there anything I can do to make them recover quicker? For starters, this is not the time and place to start Googling natural home remedies or trying to fix the issue by yourself with no veterinary guidance. 

The most important thing is to get your dog to the vet as soon as you notice that something’s off. Even if you just notice that some dryer sheets are missing or find a few pieces by your pup’s bed. It’s better to be safe than sorry! 

In some cases, your vet may induce vomiting in your pup or ask you to do so – they will usually provide you with clear instructions on how to do it safely and effectively. It’s essential you follow your vet’s directions carefully to ensure that the process is done properly and without further harm. 

Additionally, if your pet still has pieces of the dryer sheet in their stomach, it may be necessary for your vet to conduct other procedures and examinations, including an ultrasound or an X-ray. If the dryer sheet is causing a blockage, a surgery under general anesthesia is likely going to be necessary. 

Keep A Close Eye On Your Pet

If your dog has eaten a dryer sheet, it’s vital that you keep a close eye on them to ensure they don’t suffer any complications. Yes, this even applies after your vet has checked them and conducted all the tests. Monitor your dog’s behavior, including their activity levels and appetite. 

You should also keep an eye out for any potential signs of poisoning, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or difficulty breathing. As soon as you notice any worrying signs, you should make a call to your vet. It might be necessary for you to take them back for additional examinations.  

Follow A Specialized Diet And Keep Your Dog Hydrated

My dog ate a dryer sheet, should I feed them a different diet or continue as usual? In some cases, your vet may ask you to feed your pup a specialized diet in order to help with their recovery. Your vet may recommend giving them small, easily digestible meals several times a day as well as avoiding any foods that may be hard for them to digest. They may also recommend upping your pup’s fiber intake to soothe the stomach and help get any harmful ingredients out of their digestive tract. 

In addition to that, it’s important to make sure that your pup stays hydrated at all times, especially if they’ve been vomiting or experiencing diarrhea. You should offer them fresh, clean drinking water at all times. 

Moreover, if necessary, your vet might recommend you to give your pup electrolyte replacement drinks to help replenish any lost fluids. However, make sure that the one you’re giving to your pet has been approved by your vet – you should avoid any flavored and colored options that we humans tend to reach for. 

Say No To Intensive Exercises Or Activities

After your dog has eaten a dryer sheet, you should avoid putting excess strain on your pup’s body through any intensive exercises or activities. This includes taking them on long walks and engaging in strenuous play. 

Instead, allow your pet plenty of rest and provide them with a comfortable space to sleep in. Try to make their environment as calm as possible so as to not cause them any additional stress. You should also monitor their activity levels and if necessary adjust their exercise routine accordingly. The goal is to make sure not to tire them out too much! 

Of course, you can always discuss this with your veterinarian if you have any further questions about your pup’s diet and what forms of exercise they should be avoiding during this time.

Do Not Miss The Medications And Periodic Check-Ups

As we said earlier, you should follow your vet’s guidelines when dealing with this problem. It’s vital that you follow through on any medications or treatments prescribed by your vet. Make sure to not miss out on periodic check-ups and make sure that you’re giving your pup all of their medications exactly when and in what dosage your vet has guided you to. 

Again, you’ll also want to keep an eye on your pup’s overall behavior and wellbeing. This way, you can keep your vet informed about any symptoms and changes you’ve noticed, so that they can adjust the treatment plan accordingly. 

My Dog Ate A Dryer Sheet: How To Stop Dogs From Eating Dryer Sheets?

Keep Them Out Of Reach!

To prevent your pup from eating dryer sheets, the best strategy is to make sure they are out of reach! Put them in a drawer or cabinet that can be securely closed, or store them on a higher shelf to ensure your pup doesn’t get its paws on any. 

Likewise, as soon as you’re done washing your clothes, be sure to immediately throw away any used dryer sheets so that your pup has no access to them. It’s best if you use a trash bin with a closed lid. 

Additionally, it is important to monitor your pet’s behavior when around the dryer sheets – if they start sniffing or showing interest in the sheets, distract them with their favorite toy or treat. All in all, supervision and vigilance are key to preventing accidents like these!

Properly Train Your Pup

Needless to say, one of the most effective things you can do to prevent your pup from eating dryer sheets is to properly train them from an early age. You can start by teaching them the “leave it” command. Whenever they start sniffing or showing interest in the dryer sheets (or any other food and non-food items that they shouldn’t eat), use this command to show them what you’re expecting of them. But! Don’t forget to stay consistent and reward your pup with treats and praise when they behave well. Only this way will they learn what’s expected of them. 

Additionally, consider using a crate when you’re not able to monitor your pup closely. Crate training is a great way to establish good boundaries and also help with potty training. However, it’s also an excellent way to keep your pup safe and out of mischief! 

See Also:

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Is Your Pup Stressed, Anxious, or Bored?

As we mentioned earlier in this guide, your pup’s excessive interest in dryer sheets could also be due to stress, anxiety (including separation anxiety), or boredom. A simple, yet effective solution for that is to make sure that your dog is getting plenty of exercise and mental stimulation each day. Take them for daily walks or have playtime in the backyard – this will help reduce any anxiety they may be feeling and provide them with much-needed physical activity. 

In addition to that, give your pup lots of chew toys to safely gnaw on, and stock up on plenty of interactive games and puzzle toys, as these will keep your lil’ friend entertained. Don’t forget other enrichment activities like hide-and-seek or fetch. This not only allows your pup to burn off some energy, but also provides mental stimulation, which can help prevent boredom. With these strategies in place, you should soon be able to put an end to inappropriate chewing and eating. 

My Dog Ate A Dryer Sheet: Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dryer Sheets Cause Diarrhea In Dogs?

Yes, dryer sheets can cause diarrhea in dogs, so it’s important you keep them out of reach at all times. If your dog ate a used dryer sheet, symptoms could also include vomiting, stomach pain, lethargy, itching, and skin irritation. Regardless if your dog is showing any symptoms or not, if at any point you suspect your dog has eaten a dryer sheet, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. Of course, to prevent accidental ingestion, keep laundry products and dryer sheets securely stored away from your pup.

What Are The Ingredients In Bounce Dryer Sheets?

The exact ingredient list varies between their different products. The following ingredients are found in Bounce Free & Gentle Dryer Sheets: polyester sheet, dialkylester dimethyl ammonium methosulfate, fatty acids C16-18 and C18-Unsatd, and bentonite. 

What Liquid Makes Dogs Vomit?

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most common liquids used to induce vomiting in dogs. However, you should never administer any liquids or other substances to your dog, nor should you manually induce vomiting unless your veterinarian has clearly instructed you to do so. If your dog is already vomiting or experiences any other symptoms we mentioned above, you should not give them any hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. 

Administer two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide orally, wait 15 minutes and then observe for signs of vomiting. If your pup does not vomit after the first dose, you may need to give one more dose – but make sure to contact your veterinarian for further instructions before doing so. Additionally, do not use a syringe or dropper as forcing liquid down the throat can cause aspiration pneumonia.

How Do You Induce Vomiting In A Small Dog?

If your vet has instructed you to induce vomiting in a small dog, they may recommend going the hydrogen peroxide route. The only safe option is the 3% solution and the recommended dosage is usually 1 teaspoon per 5 pounds of your dog’s body weight (Source). Of course, be sure to discuss the exact dosage with your veterinarian first. 

To induce vomiting in your small pup, give them the appropriate amount of 3-percent hydrogen peroxide orally. You can use a feeding syringe and “inject” the solution from the side of the mouth while pulling back the lips. You should be very careful here to ensure that your pup doesn’t inhale any of it – this could lead to aspiration pneumonia. 

After administering the hydrogen peroxide, wait 15 minutes and keep a close watch throughout. If your pup does not vomit within 15 minutes, you may need to give one more dose. However, make sure to contact your veterinarian for further instructions before doing so.

Why Is My Dog Suddenly Eating Fabric?

Dogs may start eating fabric for a variety of reasons, such as boredom or hunger. Some pups may also be attracted to the smell of fabric softeners or detergents used on clothing. What’s more, some dogs may suffer from a medical condition called pica, which means that a dog has an obsessive desire to eat non-food items. 

If your pup is eating fabric all of a sudden, it is important to figure out the underlying cause and address it as soon as possible. Possible solutions include providing your pup with fun interactive toys to play with, supervising playtime more closely, training them properly, or switching to fragrance-free laundry products. Additionally, make sure you’re giving your pup enough food and attention. Sometimes, a well-fed pup is less likely to eat fabrics.

My Dog Ate A Dryer Sheet: Final Thoughts

Although this might seem like a harmless activity to some, eating dryer sheets can actually be extremely dangerous for our canine family members. We hope this guide has provided you with some tips and solutions on how to deal with this situation before it causes potential harm to your pup. Above all, we recommend you keep any and all dryer sheets and other home chemicals out of your dog’s reach. And if the worst has happened (or even if you just suspect it), be sure to take your dog to the vet’s office immediately. By taking proper precautions, knowing what symptoms to look for, and keeping a close eye on your pet at all times, you can prevent any further damage to your pup’s health. 

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