“Help! My dog eats everything!” If you’re a proud dog parent, then you know the struggle of trying to keep them from eating everything they shouldn’t. In this article, we’re going to discuss some common causes and treatments for this frustrating behavior. Let’s get into it!

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My Dog Eats Everything! Why Do Dogs Eat Things They Shouldn’t?

If you’re like most dog owners, you’ve probably had the experience of coming home to find your beloved pet with a shredded sock or toy in their mouth. While it may be tempting to scold them for their bad behavior, there’s actually a reason why dogs eat things they shouldn’t. 

In many cases, it’s due to a medical condition known as pica. Pica is characterized by an obsessive desire to consume non-food items. It can be caused by a variety of underlying factors, including anxiety, boredom, and nutritional deficiencies. If your dog is exhibiting signs of pica, it’s important to take them to the vet for a check-up. With proper treatment, most dogs are able to overcome this problem and live happy, healthy lives.

Of course, there are various reasons why your dog might be eating everything in sight. If you’d like to find the answer to the question: “My dog eats everything! Why are they doing that?”, here are some things to consider.  

Inappropriate Training

It’s natural for dogs to want to put everything in their mouths – after all, it’s how they explore their world. However, this can often lead to them eating things they shouldn’t, which can be a problem if the items are toxic or dangerous

In most cases, this behavior is simply due to inappropriate training. Dogs need to learn what they can and can’t put in their mouths, and this starts with teaching them basic obedience commands such as “leave it” and “drop it”. With patience and consistent training, you can help your dog learn what’s appropriate to eat and what isn’t. In the meantime, it’s important to supervise your dog closely and keep anything potentially harmful out of reach.

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Stress Or Anxiety

Another common cause of dogs eating everything is separation anxiety. This occurs when a dog becomes anxious or stressed when left alone. This can manifest in many different ways, including chewing on objects, pacing, or – you guessed it – eating everything in sight. If you think your dog may have separation anxiety, the best course of action is to speak with a veterinarian or professional dog trainer. They can help you create a training and exercise plan to help ease your dog’s anxiety.

But to be fair, dogs can also experience stress and anxiety due to a variety of other reasons, too. Traveling, loud noises, parties, changes in living arrangements and the household can all cause stress for our canine pals.


One common cause of a dog eating everything is simply that they’re bored. If your dog is left alone for long periods of time with nothing to do, they may start to see food as a way to pass the time and relieve their boredom. If you don’t provide your dog with enough mental stimulation, they may start to get bored and look for something to do – like raiding the trash can. 

The solution to this problem is simple: provide your dog with more stimulation and exercise. This can be in the form of interactive toys, daily walks or runs, or even doggy play dates with friends.

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Attention Seeking

Have you ever wondered why your dog seems to eat everything in sight, even things that they really shouldn’t? It’s not because they’re hungry or trying to be mischievous – more often than not, it’s actually a cry for attention.

Dogs are social creatures who thrive on companionship, and if they feel like they’re being neglected, they may start engaging in destructive behaviors like chewing or digging. Eating things they shouldn’t is one way of getting your attention. So next time your dog is looking for a little extra love, take some time to give them a good belly rub or a game of fetch. They’ll be much happier – and your belongings will be safe!

Soothing Teething Pain

If you’ve ever had a puppy, you know that they like to put everything in their mouth – and that includes things they really shouldn’t be eating. But why do they do this? Well, it turns out that puppies (and dogs in general) tend to eat things when they’re trying to soothe teething pain. When those little teeth are coming in, it can be pretty uncomfortable, so dogs will often look for something to chew on in order to relieve the pressure. 

This is why chewing toys are such a popular item for dogs – they provide a safe outlet for all that chewing urges. So, if you see your dog eating something they shouldn’t, there’s a good chance they’re just trying to ease their teething pain. Just make sure to discourage them from chewing on anything dangerous or harmful, and give them plenty of approved chew toys to keep them happy and comfortable. 

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Scavenging Instincts

Have you ever wondered why your dog eats everything they shouldn’t? It’s not just because they’re being mischievous – in many cases, it’s because they were never properly trained not to. Dogs are natural scavengers, and in the wild, they would eat anything they could find. This instinct doesn’t disappear when they become domesticated, but with the proper training, they can learn to control it. 

Hunger Or Lack Of Nutrition

Finally, some dogs simply have a voracious appetite and will eat anything they can get their paws on! If your dog falls into this category, the best thing you can do is make sure they are getting enough exercise and eating a healthy diet. 

A well-rounded diet will help to curb their appetite and prevent them from snacking on things they shouldn’t. Feeding them a regular diet of high-quality food will provide them plenty of essential nutrients, while preventing them from scavenging for scraps. 

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What Are The Dangers Of A Dog Eating Everything?

If your dog is constantly eating everything they see, it can be dangerous for a few reasons. First, they could choke on something or ingest something that’s poisonous. Secondly, they could develop gastrointestinal issues from constantly eating things they shouldn’t. 

If your dog is showing signs of gastrointestinal distress (vomiting, diarrhea, excessive gas, etc.), it’s best to consult with a veterinarian. Lastly, constant eating can lead to weight gain and obesity, which can cause a whole host of health problems, such as joint problems, heart disease, and diabetes. If you’re concerned about your dog’s eating habits, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist.

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Things To Keep An Eye Out, Both Indoors & Outdoors

So, what are the most common items that dogs like to chew on? Here we’ve created a list of indoor items that dogs tend to eat, and a list of outdoor items that you should watch out for. 

Indoor Items Dogs Like To Eat

Dogs are curious creatures, and they often like to explore their surroundings by putting things in their mouths. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to them eating things that they shouldn’t. If you’re a dog owner, it’s important to be aware of the potential dangers that exist in your home. Here are some common household items that dogs like to eat, and that can be harmful to their health:

Socks, Underwear, & Other Clothing Items

Dogs often like to chew on socks and other pieces of clothing. While this might not seem like a big deal, it can actually be very dangerous. Socks and other clothing items can contain small amounts of detergent or fabric softener, which can be toxic if ingested by a dog. In addition, socks and other items of clothing can become tangled around a dog’s teeth or throat, or cause blockages in their intestines, leading to choking or other serious injuries.

Socks are frequently the culprit behind digestive tract blockages and the expensive surgeries that result. Be sure to store your socks and similar clothing items up and away from mischievous mouths.

Remote Controls

Dogs love anything that smells like their humans, and remote controls often have our scent on them. To keep your dog from gnawing on your TV remote, try keeping it in a closed drawer or box when you’re not using it. In addition, swallowing batteries or other small parts can be very harmful to a dog’s health, oftentimes even deadly.

Couch Cushions

Many dogs enjoy chewing on couch cushions, and this can quickly lead to holes and torn fabric. If your dog is determined to nibble on your furniture, you may want to consider investing in a set of chew-proof covers.


Shoes are another item that often carry our scent, and they can also be appealing to dogs because they’re made of soft materials like leather or canvas. If your dog is constantly chewing on your shoes, it’s important to provide them with an alternative chew toy that’s just as soft but more durable. For example, you might want to try a rubber Kong toy filled with peanut butter.


Many houseplants are poisonous if ingested by a dog. If you have houseplants in your home, make sure that they are out of reach of your pet. Even better, we recommend you only grow dog-safe plants in your home to prevent any unfortunate accidents. 

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Outdoor Items Dogs Like To Eat

Let’s now take a look at some of the common outdoor items that dogs like to eat, and why you should keep an eye on them. This includes everything from sticks and stones to mushrooms and berries. In some cases, these items can simply cause an upset stomach, but in others they can be poisonous. If you suspect that your dog has eaten something that could be harmful, it’s important to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. With timely treatment, many health risks can be avoided.


One of the most common things that dogs like to eat is grass. While there isn’t a clear consensus on why they do this, it’s believed that it could be for nutritional purposes or because they simply enjoy the taste. However, eating too much grass can cause stomach issues like vomiting or diarrhea. If your dog is a grass eater, make sure to keep an eye on how much they’re eating and monitor them for any signs of discomfort.


Another outdoor item that dogs often eat is sticks. Like grass, sticks are usually harmless in small quantities. However, if a dog eats too many sticks, they can block their digestive system and cause serious health problems. If you see your dog chewing on a stick, make sure to take it away and save yourself a trip to the vet.


Dogs are also known as avid garbage raiders. They love the smell of garbage, and will often rummage through trash cans in search of a good meal. Unfortunately, garbage can contain all sorts of harmful items like sharp objects, poisonous chemicals, or mouldy food. If your dog is a garbage raider, make sure to keep your trash can out of their reach.

Mushrooms & Berries

Dogs also like to eat mushrooms and berries. While some mushrooms and berries are safe for dogs to eat, others are poisonous. If you suspect that your dog has eaten a mushroom or berry, it’s important to take them to the vet immediately as they could be at risk for serious health complications. 


One of the more disgusting outdoor items that dogs sometimes tend to eat is poop. While it may seem gross to us, dogs see poop as a potential food source. Unfortunately, eating poop can lead to all sorts of health problems like gastrointestinal infections. If you see your dog eating poop, make sure to stop them immediately and contact a veterinarian if necessary.


Finally, one outdoor item that you may not have considered is rocks. Dogs will often chew on rocks as part of their natural instinct to clean their teeth. However, swallowing rocks can cause gastric distress or other digestive issues. If you catch your dog chewing on a rock, take it away and offer them a toy or treat instead.

How To Stop Your Dog From Eating Everything

“My dog eats everything! What should I do?”

If your dog is eating everything in sight, don’t despair! There are many possible causes and solutions to this problem. With a little patience and effort, you can help your furry friend curb their destructive behavior.

Dogs eating everything is a common problem that many dog owners face. But with a little patience and training, it is possible to stop your dog from eating everything they shouldn’t. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to consult with your veterinarian.

Basic Manners & Commands

As we discussed earlier, teaching your pup good manners and basic manners goes a long way in preventing them from becoming a destructive dog. But what commands should you focus on? Here are a few key commands that can help stop your dog from eating everything:

  • Leave it: This command is essential for teaching your dog to stop chewing on things they shouldn’t. Whenever they start to chew on something they shouldn’t, say “leave it” in a firm voice and offer them a chew toy instead.
  • Drop it: If your dog already has something in their mouth that they shouldn’t, this command will come in handy. Simply say “drop it” and open your hand beneath their chin. When they drop the item, give them plenty of praise and offer them a treat.
  • No: This is a basic command that every dog should know. If your dog is doing something they shouldn’t, simply say “no” in a firm voice and provide them with a distraction, like a toy or treat.

You should also teach them commands such as “sit” and “stay” and make sure they obey these commands before giving them a treat. This will help them understand that they need to listen to you in order to get food. 

Finally, be patient and persistent with your training, and eventually your dog should learn not to eat everything in sight. With time and patience, your dog will learn which items are off-limits and which ones they can chew on. It may take some trial and error, but eventually, they’ll get the hang of it!

Don’t Leave Out Food & Non-Food Items

As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When it comes to dogs eating everything, this couldn’t be more true! The best way to stop your dog from eating everything is to prevent them from getting their hands on things they shouldn’t eat in the first place.

For this, we recommend you keep temptations out of reach, and provide your dog with plenty of toys and chewables to keep them occupied. With a little patience and training, you can soon have your dog eating only what’s good for them.

We asked our newsletter readers if their Doods have ever eaten something that’s not food and an overwhelming amount of people said that that’s indeed the case:

My Dog Eats Everything poll results

Use A Distraction Technique

One way to help stop your dog from eating things they shouldn’t is by using a distraction technique. Whenever you see your dog start to eat something they shouldn’t, make a loud noise or say a command to get their attention. This will distract them from what they’re doing and help them to focus on you instead. You can also distract your pup by giving them a safe chew toy to gnaw on instead. 

Crate Train Your Dog When You Can’t Supervise Them

If you can’t watch your dog at all times, the best way to keep them from eating everything is to crate train them. This will provide them with a safe and secure space where they can’t get into trouble. 

Be sure to only use this method when you can’t supervise your dog, as it’s important they don’t feel trapped or isolated in their crate. Your pup’s crate should be their safe haven, where they can relax, rest, and recharge in. Never use it as a form of punishment! 

Crate training takes time and patience, but it’s worth it if it means keeping your dog safe and out of trouble. If you’re not sure how to crate train your dog, here’s an in-depth guide we created that’ll help you get started

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Muzzle Training While Out & About

If your dog eats everything outside, it may be a good idea to muzzle train them. This will prevent them from picking up anything off the ground and eating it. Muzzle training takes time and patience, but it’s a great way to keep your dog safe while out and about.

My Dog Eats Everything: Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Get My Dog To Stop Chewing And Eating Everything?

If your dog is constantly chewing on and eating everything in sight, it can be frustrating and even dangerous. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help stop this behavior. First, make sure your dog is getting enough exercise. A tired dog is less likely to want to chew on things. 

Secondly, provide your dog with plenty of chew toys and bones to keep him occupied. If he has something else to chew on, he’s less likely to chew on your belongings. Finally, be consistent with training and discipline. If you catch your dog chewing on something he shouldn’t, firmly let him know that it’s not acceptable and redirect his attention to a suitable chew toy. With patience and consistency, you should be able to train your dog to stop chewing on everything in sight.

At What Age Does A Dog Stop Chewing On Everything? Do Dogs Grow Out Of Eating Everything?

Most dogs will outgrow the urge to eat and chew on everything some time between 6 and 12 months of age – that’s when the most intense teething period should end. However, some dogs may continue this behavior into adulthood. If your dog is still chewing on everything at 2 years old or older, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to rule out any underlying medical or behavioral issues.

How Do You Punish A Dog For Chewing Things?

If your dog does happen to eat something they shouldn’t, don’t punish them. Instead, simply remove the item and provide positive reinforcement when they make good choices. With a little patience and effort, you should be able to train your dog to stop chewing and eating everything in sight. In fact, punishing your pup for bad behaviors can have the exact opposite effect. Not to mention, it can greatly harm your dog’s mental and emotional stability, and your relationship with them. 

My Dog Eats Everything: Final Thoughts

If your dog is eating everything they shouldn’t, it can be frustrating and even dangerous. But by understanding the reasons why this behavior occurs, you can take steps to prevent it. With a little patience and training, you can help your furry friend learn to control their impulses and live a happy, healthy life. And soon enough, the phrase “my dog eats everything” won’t even be in your vocabulary at all!

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The information on this page is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for qualified professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have.

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One thought on “My Dog Eats Everything! Common Causes & Prevention

Susan Benenati Reply

My Doodle loves paper towels and napkins. I do believe it’s all about attention seeking. Hence, we now have pet insurance!

March 20, 2024 at 2:37 pm

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