Dogs do not process foods the same way we do. Some foods that we’re used to eating daily can be extremely dangerous for your Doodle. Here, we’ll answer the very important question of “what can dogs NOT eat.”

If your dog is experiencing a medical emergency, please seek emergency veterinary care immediately.

It might be tempting to give your Doodle a bite of what you’re having. But in reality, it is not that simple…or safe!

Our bodies are built differently than a dog’s. The way dogs metabolize and process foods they ingest is different. Thus, some foods can be extremely harmful for your Doodle’s health.

What Foods Can Kill Dogs?

In this article on what can dogs not eat, the following are the most important to remember. Let’s have a look at the most toxic and potentially deadly foods for your Doodle.

Alcohol and Yeast Dough

Alcohol and yeast dough consumption is an absolute no-go.

Yeast can contribute to unpleasant symptoms like gas, but can also result in alcohol poisoning due to the fermentation inside the stomach.

Moreover, alcohol can be potentially lethal to dogs.


The pit, skin, leaves – and to a lesser extent, the flesh – of avocados contain Persin, a toxin that often causes vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.


Caffeine is another stimulant that you should keep away from your dog at all costs. The symptoms are similar to chocolate toxicity. Caffeine can be found in sodas, teas, and, of course, coffee.


Chocolate contains a stimulant compound called theobromine, which is extremely poisonous to all dogs. It may affect the heart rate, cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and death.

Fruit Pits/Seeds

Do not feed your Doodle seeds or pits from:

  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Cherries
  • Peaches
  • Plums

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins contain an unknown toxic compound to dogs, which can cause vomiting, depression, and kidney failure.

Macadamia Nuts and Almonds

Macadamia nuts should be avoided at all costs because they can kill your dog.

Almonds are not toxic to dogs, but should be avoided because they are severe choking hazards. They can block the esophagus or even tear the windpipe if not chewed completely.

Onions, Leeks, and Chives

Onions, leeks, and chives are poisonous to dogs. Onions can cause your Doodle’s red blood cells to rupture, and can also cause vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and nausea.

Potatoes, Rhubarb, and Tomatoes

Avoid giving your Doodle the green parts of tomatoes, rhubarb, and potatoes. These foods contain toxic substances to dogs, which can cause severe health issues or death (source).

Xylitol and Other Artificial Sweeteners

Xylitol is an extremely toxic sugar alcohol that can lead to death. It is found in gum and candy.

Things Dogs Should Avoid, But Can Be Eaten in Small Amounts

Milk and Dairy Products

Milk and dairy products are not poisonous to dogs. However, they can cause digestive issues like diarrhea. This typically only happens if the pup is lactose intolerant, which is rare in dogs. 

Otherwise, your Doodle can have milk and cheese (the healthiest kind being low-fat cottage cheese) in small to moderate quantities (source). Plain yogurt can also be enjoyed in small amounts as long as it doesn’t contain sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Ice cream should be avoided completely due to high sugar content.

Salty Snacks and Foods

Be mindful about the salt content in a food when you’re about to toss a tasty morsel over to your Doodle.

Too much salt is difficult for dogs to process. It can cause dehydration, and in more severe cases, it can cause seizures and death.

You should generally avoid giving your dog any salty snacks and foods. Instead, opt for food products that are unsalted or have low sodium.

The following items are safe for your Doodle to eat in small amounts, but are best unsalted:

  • Cashews
  • Peanut butter
  • Peanuts
  • Unbuttered popcorn (but never un-popped kernels)

Sugary Foods

Not including fruits, sugary treats should be avoided by dogs so as to avoid unhealthy weight gain and diabetes.

An exception? Honey! Dogs can eat small amounts of honey, which is highly nutritious and even helps them to build up immunity to local allergens.

What Can Dogs Not Eat When it Comes to Meat?

Raw Meat

To keep your Doodle healthy, it is generally recommended that you do not feed them raw meat. This is because raw meats and eggs may contain bacteria like E-coli, Campylobacter, Listeria, Salmonella and Staphylococcus, which can cause your Doodle some nasty infections.

We briefly touch on this topic in our raw dog food article.

Cooked Bones

In case your Doodle does enjoy an occasional bone to chew on, it should preferably be raw. Cooked bones can easily break and cause damage to your dog’s teeth, mouth, throat, and digestive system.

Never give your dog cooked chicken or turkey bones! They can splinter into very sharp pieces and puncture your dog’s digestive tract.

Fatty Meats

You should also make sure that you’re not feeding your Doodle extremely fatty meats. This includes bacon and fat trimmings. Why? Foods that are too high in fat can cause pancreatitis. This is a serious illness that might become chronic.

Salty, Processed Meats

Processed meats such as ham, Spam, hot dogs, salami, cold cuts, etc. should be avoided due to high salt (and fat) content.

Raw or Undercooked Seafood

Now, cooked fish is safe and great for dogs, as it contains good fats and amino acids. Salmon and sardines are especially beneficial (source).

However, Raw or undercooked fish/seafood contains parasites that can make your Doodle very sick. They can cause vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and, in extreme cases, even death.

Never feed your dog uncooked or undercooked fish. Feed him only fully cooked fish that has been deboned, and limit his fish intake to no more than twice a week.

Here are some specific seafoods that can be enjoyed by your Doodle, but with caveats:

  • Salmon, if fully-cooked
  • Canned tuna, prepared in water (not oil), only in moderation to avoid excess sodium and mercury ingestion
  • Shrimp, if fully-cooked and fully peeled (remove the head, legs, and tail, as well)

A Note on Garlic and Mushrooms

Conventional veterinarians and many trusted veterinary medicine websites caution dog owners to avoid feeding garlic and mushrooms due to their toxicity in dogs.

However, garlic-related deaths are practically non-existent, and garlic can even be very beneficial to your dog (source). If you want to learn more about safely feeding garlic to your dog, check out this article by Dogs Naturally Magazine.

On that same note, mushrooms are said to be “miracle plants” that provide many immune-boosting benefits to dogs (and humans). Though you should be aware of toxic wild mushrooms, store-bought mushrooms are generally safe for dogs to eat. If you want to learn more about safely feeding mushrooms to your dog, check out this article.

To summarize, your Doodle might eat almost everything you offer them. However, it is your duty as a responsible dog owner to know what can dogs not eat and what they can.

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The information on this page is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for qualified professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have.

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3 thoughts on “What Can Dogs NOT Eat? An Overview of Harmful Foods for Doodles

Only The Bright Reply

Hi I love your articles! I have one request. Please make the type blacker. It’s so light gray it’s difficult to read. Thanks a million for all your great information!

November 22, 2021 at 8:53 am
Ursula Waller Reply

Thank you for all the helpful tips over the last year+. Ophelia has enjoyed your helpful tips. My Mom is a first time doodle owner.

March 2, 2022 at 5:18 pm
Patricia A Tijerina Reply

Enjoyed your article on the best dry dog food but what about canned? My son almost had me talked into raw food but after reading your article I;m choosing a healthy substitute. Another way would be cooking but not sure How and what to put in. I;ve tried a couple of recipoes but she did not like the so much. Can you direct me to information on best wet food and cooking for your dog?

April 1, 2024 at 12:35 pm