If you’ve never heard of the Double Doodle, you’re missing out big time. As all Doodle variations and breeds are becoming more and more popular, Doodle breeders have also started to combine two different Doodle breeds, resulting in the most precious fluffy companion. If you’d like to learn more about Double Doodles, keep on reading!

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What Is A Double Doodle?

You’ve probably heard of Goldendoodles, Labradoodles, or the smaller hybrid breeds like Maltipoo or Cockapoo. But what is a Double Doodle? A Double Doodle is a combination of two already established Doodle breeds. 

Often the Labradoodle and Goldendoodle mix is referred to as the Double Doodle. However, there are many other Double Doodles out there! For instance, there’s the hybrid mix of Aussiedoodle and Bernedoodle, resulting in the Swiss Doodle. There’s also the Golden Mountain Doodle, which is a mix of Goldendoodle and Bernedoodle. There are endless variations possible. 

What makes Double Doodles double the fun is that instead of combining two purebred dogs, the Double Doodle mix includes three different purebred dogs. For example, the Golden Mountain Doodle combines Golden Retriever, Bernese Mountain Dog, and Poodle.

Double Doodles Physical Appearance


Double Doodles come in all different colors and color combinations, as the possibilities are almost endless. Of course, the determining factor will be the parent breed. Most common Double Doodle colors are brown, golden, cream, red, and black. 

Some Double Doodles are even becoming famous for their coat colors. For instance, Golden Mountain Doodles are extremely sought-after thanks to its tri-color coat. Similarly, Aussiedoodle Goldendoodle mix has become super popular thanks to its multi-colored merle coat.

Hair & Coat Types

What makes Doodle breeds so popular amongst dog owners is that they’re very low to non-shedding dogs, making them suitable for people with dog dander allergy. Naturally, the Double Doodle does not fall far behind. They’re generally very allergy-friendly dogs who tend to shed minimally. 

Like other hybrid breeds, Double Doodles can come in a variety of coat types. Some pups sport a curly-haired Poodle coat, whereas others inherit straighter hair. And some Double Doodles have a beautiful wavy combination coat. Usually, we can expect curly-haired Double Doodles to shed the least while straight coat Double Doodles might come with a shedding undercoat. All in all, it depends on a Double Doodle’s lineage and genetic makeup.

Double Doodles: Size

Of course, a Double Doodle’s size depends on the size of its parents. For instance, when combining a Standard Goldendoodle and a Standard Labradoodle, we can expect the Double Doodle puppy to be larger-sized, similar to the parents. Likewise, if a Mini Goldendoodle and a Mini Labradoodle are crossed, the Double Doodle puppies will be smaller in size as well. As there are so many Doodle breeds and their variations that we can combine, their sizes can also greatly vary. There’s the less common Toy Double Doodle, and more popular Standard, Medium, and Mini Double Doodle. 

Largest of them all, Standard Double Doodles, usually weigh over 50 pounds and they can have a height of up to 30 inches at the shoulder. Medium Double Doodles weigh anywhere between 30 and 55 pounds, whereas Mini Double Doodles weigh around 20 to 30 pounds.

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Double Doodles: Temperament & Personality

What is the Double Doodle temperament like? Are Double Doodles aggressive? How much do they like to cuddle? 

Like other Doodles, Double Doodles have inherited the Poodle intelligence and a kind nature. They’re fast at picking up new skills and tricks and love to make their family happy. 

Overall, Double Doodles are just as loving and playful pups like any other Doodle mix. They’re generally easy-going, social, and don’t shy away from cuddles with their humans. Depending on the other parent breeds in the mix, they might demonstrate slightly different personality traits. Some Double Doodles may be more active, some are more laid back pups.  

Of course, the key to raising a calm and friendly Double Doodle is early training and socialization, as any dog who hasn’t been properly trained or socialized can exhibit aggressive behavior in some situations. We’ll cover the training topic later on in this article.

Double Doodles: Variations & Generations

Although some Double Doodle mixes are currently more popular and better available than others, there are actually infinite Double Doodle variations possible to achieve. As all Doodle breeds have become super popular in recent years, we’ll soon very likely see new Double Doodle mixes being established as well. 

Let’s take a look at some of the more common Double Doodle variations:

  • Golden Labradoodle a.k.a. Goldendoodle-Labradoodle mix. Often referred to as the original Double Doodle
  • Golden Mountain Doodle a.k.a. Goldendoodle-Bernedoodle mix.
  • Swiss Doodle a.k.a. Aussiedoodle-Bernedoodle mix.
  • Australian Double Doodle, which refers to Australian Labradoodle mixes.
  • Aussiedoodle-Goldendoodle mix.

Double Doodle Generations

Doodle generations aren’t the easiest thing to understand. With Double Doodles, generations become even trickier. The main thing to understand is that the generations show us how much a Doodle puppy’s genetic makeup consists of either of the parent breeds. 

First-generation Doodles (F1) have two purebred parents, second-generation Doodles have two first-generation Doodle parents, and so on. Then there are also the backcross variations, where a first or second-generation Doodle is bred back to a Poodle, so the mix now includes a higher percentage of Poodle in the puppy’s genetic makeup. 

So, to create a Double Doodle, there have to be two different Doodles first. This means that Double Doodles are multi-generational Doodles, and they technically cannot be first-generation. What’s more, as both of the Doodle parents have Poodle genes, a Double Doodle will have at least 50% of Poodle in their genetic makeup. Of course, the exact percentage of each parent breed in the mix depends on what generation of Doodles are used. 

To illustrate, an F1 or first-generation Goldendoodle has a 50-50 mix of Golden Retriever and Poodle. However, when an F1 Goldendoodle and F1 Labradoodle are crossed, we get a Double Doodle that has 50% Poodle, 25% Golden Retriever, and 25% Labrador Retriever. Similarly, when using two F1b Doodles, we’ll create Double Doodles who have 75% Poodle, 12.5% Golden Retriever, and 12.5% Labrador Retriever. 

Double Doodles: Health & Life Expectancy

Do Double Doodles have health problems? How long do Double Doodles live?

Double Doodles life expectancy usually ranges between 10 to 16 years. Like other Doodles, Double Doodles are at a risk of certain hereditary diseases that are carried by the purebred parents. 

The most common health problems in Double Doodles include:

  • Joint problems like hip and elbow dysplasia, patellar luxation
  • Eye diseases like retinal dysplasia, PRA, cataracts
  • Allergies, sensitivities, and skin problems
  • Von Willebrand’s Disease
  • Cushing’s Disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Thyroid issues like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
  • Ear infections due to floppy ears

Double Doodles: Exercise & Training

Double Doodles are moderately active and energetic pups who need their daily exercise. Regardless of their activity levels, all Double Doodles benefit from at least two 30 minute walks every day and, of course, playtime. Double Doodles with higher energy levels might require more time to run around and channel their energy. Otherwise, they might become destructive or exhibit other behavioral problems

Another crucial thing is to provide the dog plenty of opportunities to socialize with new people and pets. You’ll also want to make sure you invest time in training your Double Doodle, as this helps them grow into well rounded adults. As Double Doodles are intelligent dogs, they have no problem learning obedience and new skills. 

We recommend you start training your puppy as soon as you bring them home. Additionally, training helps a puppy to develop healthy responses to stressful situations. As a result, it reduces the risk of developing anxiety, including separation anxiety

For training a Double Doodle, we recommend the Online Puppy School by Baxter & Bella. Their online program gives you lifetime access to all the training and socialization know-how materials, so you can raise your puppy into a well behaved adult from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. They have lots of video tutorials, classes and courses, printable materials and checklists available, and even access to parent forums and groups. Definitely great value for your money!

Double Doodles: Coat & Grooming

You might already know that all Doodles are rather high-maintenance when it comes to coat care and grooming. And Double Doodles are no different. Curly-haired Double Doodles likely require most coat care, as their textured hair tends to knot easily. On the other hand, Double Doodles with undercoats are also prone to matting, if the loose hair hasn’t been removed. We recommend to brush Double Doodles every day, as it’s the best way to prevent matting and keep their coat looking beautiful. Make sure you check out all of our articles on brushing and dealing with mats in Doodles. 

But it doesn’t stop there. Other activities in a Double Doodle’s grooming and hygiene routine include:

Where Can You Get Double Doodle Puppies?

If you’ve got your eyes set on a Double Doodle, you’ll need to find a reputable breeder that follows ethical practices when producing new litters. A good breeder should provide proper health and genetic testing, a health guarantee, vaccinations, and early training and socialization. They should also provide plenty of information and answer any questions you might have about the adoption process. 

For Double Doodle breeders in the US, you might want to check out our Double Doodle Breeders Directory, which we update regularly.  

See Also:

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Double Doodles FAQ

Who Is A Double Doodle Best For?

Double Doodles are like any other Doodle breed. They’re friendly and outgoing dogs who are moderately active and enjoy playtime. Additionally, they’re usually easy to train and suitable even for first-time dog owners. However, a Double Doodle’s personality, intelligence, and trainability is all determined by their lineage. If you’d like to better understand a certain Double Doodle’s temperament, research their parent Doodle mixes and purebreds. 

Do Double Doodles Have Double Coats?

Double Doodles can come with double coats, as many larger purebred dogs in the mix have undercoats. However, as most breeders strive to achieve low-shedding and hypoallergenic Doodles, they’ll most likely do genetic testing to determine what coat types the Double Doodle puppies will inherit. 

See Also:

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To conclude, Double Doodles are adorable hybrid pups who combine the best traits of each of the parent breeds. Just like their original Doodle parents, Double Doodles are praised for their great personality and gentle nature. We hope you learned some interesting new facts about the different variations of the Double Doodle. 

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One thought on “Double Doodle 101 An Intro to the Doodle-Doodle Mix

Oscar Perez Reply

these are lovely dogs ,
miss my teddy

May 21, 2024 at 1:01 pm

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