In this tutorial, we will be demonstrating how to use the popular Cowboy Magic Detangler and Shine product. We will also be showing you how long a full body brushing and combing session takes with the Cowboy Magic product on a medium F1 Doodle. Be sure to watch the video below to follow along. Let’s get into it.

So in the video above, Chloe hadn’t been brushed or combed for about a week. Because she’s a an F1 Doodle with wavy hair, she is less prone to matting, so we could get away with going a week without brushing. But just to demonstrate the Cowboy Magic product, I wanted to make sure that Chloe’s hair was tangled enough to see how effective the product is.

Now this was my first time ever using Cowboy Magic and so I didn’t know what to expect other than after reading reviews online that it’s amazing for detangling.

Cowboy Magic Detangler & Shine

How to Use Cowboy Magic Detangler and Shine

You’ll want to squeeze about a nickel-sized amount into the palm of your hand and massage it into either wet or dry fur.

Since Chloe’s hair wasn’t too badly tangled, I didn’t concentrate the product too much in a single small area. If you have a more curly Doodle with more dense hair, or just a Doodle who’s more prone to tangles and mats, then you might want to try applying more of the product to a smaller area.

By the way, if you haven’t seen our video tutorial on proper line brushing, I would definitely recommend checking that out to fully understand the method of brushing we use in the video.

But basically, you’ll take your metal comb and/or brush and following the line brushing method, start at the lowest point on your dog’s body and comb through the hair, all the way down to the skin, until the hair doesn’t snag. Gradually brush your way up the dog’s body “line by line”.

See Also:

(Click the image)

Is Cowboy Magic Detangle and Shine Effective?

So I used the Cowboy Magic on Chloe’s entire body, and I would say that it’s definitely super effective at detangling. Without the Cowboy Magic, the hair was snagging in the comb pretty good. After I applied the product, it was instantly much easier to comb through.

Cowboy Magic is is silicone-based, which makes it quite slippery. But the downside to silicone-based hair care products like Cowboy Magic, is that it can leave a heavy, dirty, greasy look if too much of the product is applied in one area. It’s also not a product you’d want to use on a daily basis. For daily use, you should opt for a product without silicon.

See Also:

(Click the image)

You can see in the picture below that Chloe’s ear (circled in red) is kind of greasy looking, and that is directly because of the Cowboy Magic.

Left: Day before using Cowboy Magic. Right: Day after using Cowboy Magic. Greasy-looking ear circled in red.

This is why it’s best to use Cowboy Magic and similar products sparingly, and not too frequently. I personally wouldn’t use this on Chloe everyday – more like once every few weeks or once a week tops, but only if the tangles are bad.

If you run into the greasy look issue, you can definitely bathe your dog after brushing with the Cowboy Magic. (If you do bathe your dog, be sure to force blow dry your pup and brush him out again afterwards to prevent matting.)

See Also:

(Click the image)


So what’s the verdict? Is Cowboy Magic worth using? I would say that if you have the time and patience to line brush everyday or every other day, then you can get by without heavy detangling products like Cowboy Magic.

If you can’t line brush everyday, and you like to keep your Doodle long, or if they are prone to matting, then a product like Cowboy Magic is really good to have on hand to use in conjunction with brushing.

I’d say the biggest difference between using Cowboy Magic and not using it was that without it, I would have lost interest and patience in the brushing process much sooner. Brushing through really tangled hair does take quite a bit of elbow grease, and if not done properly, your dog might try to run away to avoid the discomfort of brushing through tangled hair.

But with the Cowboy Magic, it took a lot of the frustration away because it just helped to detangle so quickly and easily.

In the tutorial video above, our entire brushing session (without distractions) using the Cowboy Magic took about 35-40 minutes, saving us about 10 minutes of time compared to when we don’t use the product.

Let us know in the comments below if you have tried Cowboy Magic Detangler and Shine and what you think about it.

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The information on this page is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional groomer advice. Always seek the advice of your groomer, veterinarian, or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have.

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One thought on “Cowboy Magic Detangler & Shine Demo and Line Brushing Video Tutorial

jeri and kayce thomasson Reply

my doodle is more of a poodle, very very curly hair- I luv the cowboy magic products use them on my horse too. any tips for line brushing on a curly dood? i try but its hard , thanks and keep up the good work, Jeri and Kayce

March 15, 2023 at 11:11 am

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