In the video below, we’re going to speed through a full face groom, where we remove Chloe’s mohawk-turned-mullet, and trim and style her entire face.

A week prior to this face groom, I had given Chloe a full-body haircut using a #4 blade, which leaves the hair about 3/8” long.

See Also:

(Click the image)

I purposely didn’t groom her face that day, because I really wanted to try something different and leave Chloe’s face longer than usual. 

This is to say that traditionally I’ve always just clipped Chloe’s face down in typical puppy cut fashion, so the length of her head and face matched the length on her body.

Anyway, after giving myself a week-long break from grooming, it was time to tackle Chloe’s face…and the mohawk that had turned itself into a mullet over the past week.

Have you tried grooming your Doodles face? Let us know how your attempts have turned out in the comments below! Also if any pro groomers watched, I’d love your feedback, as well!

Want to Learn
DIY Doodle Grooming?

“Every concern and question I had now has clear, practical solutions.”Paula D.

“These lessons have provided tremendous amounts of information.”Steve B.

“Buy the course and complain about how easy it is!”Chris S.

Learn How To Groom Your Doodle At Home
Safely…And Without Confusion:


The information on this page is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional groomer advice. Always seek the advice of your groomer, veterinarian, or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have.

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12 thoughts on “DIY Doodle Face Groom (Speed-Through Tutorial Video)

Margaret Reply

My CeeCee would never stand still (or sit for that matter) long enough to do 1/4 of what you accomplished. She hates her ears and face(and feet) touched and will often back away even from petting. She would NEVER let me hold her mouth closed, even for a few seconds. The Groomer says she doesn’t give her any problems and she always looks great. However, the bather last week said she “didn’t finish” her nail grinding or blow drying because she would get mouthy. She does that to me every time I comb or brush her or try to check between her toes. We used to have a terripoo that we just essentially shaved down every summer. I do better with my Goldendoodle as I have matured and learned a lot and try to keep her combed and brushed (which she also hates, even though I have been doing it since she came home at 8 weeks) Last summer the vet had to shave her due to hair mats when she went in for spaying (She was in her first heat just prior to her spaying and wouldn’t let anyone touch her) and I felt so guilty I cried every time I looked at her for about a month. Luckily she was in a onesie for a while afterwards. Since then I have tried to do much better with combing and brushing. I have just trimmed her “eyebrows” once and that was scary, even with blunted scissors. I will never attempt to cut any part of her again.

August 4, 2021 at 10:31 am
Elle Reply

I love your grooming videos. I bought the whole thing from you a year or two ago. It’s been great. You’ve been so helpful. This face grooming rocks. I want to try it. Last cut, I did the whole body and face with scissors. My scissoring fingers were in agony. Not sure what size clipper I’m using. A #10? Anyway, I’d like to get the 4 and 5. Do you have a link? Thanks much, Whitney. Chloe is a doll.

August 4, 2021 at 2:52 pm
Celeste Ryan Reply

Wow, Whitney! You are incredible! You make it look sooo easy and it is not! I have always scissors cut Evie’s face since I began grooming her two years ago. The thick “cheek” hair between the ears and nose always gives me problems. I will watch this video many more times! Chloe is such a good girl-I wish Evie was as calm but maybe with age…
Thanks a million for this!

August 4, 2021 at 5:32 pm
Shiela Reply

Impressive! I have one question since you cut so much hair off with clippers. Would it be easier to clip her as you want first and then do the fine tuning? It’s so much easier to suggest “how to” on this side of it. Ha. Wink

I love your videos! And, I’ll try your techniques for sure!!

September 25, 2021 at 2:46 am