Got a new Goldendoodle puppy? Congrats! Between the excitement and adventure of raising your new pup, you’re probably wondering all about what they will become. “What will they look like as a full grown Goldendoodle? How big will they get? What are they supposed to weigh at checkups?” These are common curiosities that many-a new puppy parent have. Let’s dive in!

How Can You Tell What Size a Goldendoodle is?

This is assuming you’re asking whether a Goldendoodle is Mini, Medium, or Standard. Besides what the breeder has told you about your new puppy, it’s not quite that easy to tell what size a Goldendoodle is just by looking at them. This is especially true if a puppy is still under 4 months old. But let’s discuss in detail to see if we can get a good understanding.

Goldendoodle Age Chart

Just like humans, every puppy grows at a different rate. However, there is an observed general growth curve. And between Mini, Medium, and Standard Goldendoodles, that growth curve varies slightly, as well.

Now, we’ve been collecting weight data in our Doodle Characteristics survey and Doodle Growth Calculator. The visual graph in our Goldendoodle Sizes article shows the average weight by age (in weeks) per size of Goldendoodle.

From the chart data we can verify a couple of things. 1) Each of the Goldendoodle sizes weigh differently at birth, 2) each size grows at a different rate, and 3) each size reaches their full adult size at different times. Be sure to check out the aforementioned article to view our most recent Goldendoodle growth data.

Also, if you want a prediction on how big your Goldendoodle will get, grab their weight and age in weeks and check out our Doodle growth calculator!

See Also:

(Click the image)

Full Grown Goldendoodle FAQs

At What Age is a Goldendoodle Fully Grown?

A full grown Goldendoodle is one that has reached maturity in both height and weight. Generally speaking, Mini and Medium Goldendoodles are fully grown between 11-13 months of age. A full grown Standard Goldendoodle reaches maturity between 12.5-16 months of age. 

How Big is a Full Grown Goldendoodle?

Miniature Goldendoodles top out between 15-35 pounds at maturity. Medium Goldendoodles weigh between 35-50 pounds at full grown. Standard Goldendoodles can weigh anywhere from 50-90 pounds once fully grown.

Goldendoodle Growth pictures

Time for the main event – let’s see some Goldendoodle growth pictures! 

Candace Jensen has graciously allowed us to feature her adorable pup Ace here in this Goldendoodle “time lapse” photo collage. (Ace is a Standard Goldendoodle.)

goldendoodle growth pictures, full grown goldendoodle
Photo Credit: Candace Jensen

Just look at this Goldendoodle then and now! How freaking cute is Ace? (Be sure to give Ace and his Aussiedoodle sister Pepper a follow on Instagram!)

Candace was also kind enough to provide us with Ace’s puppy weights:

standard goldendoodle growth weights, full grown goldendoodle
Image Credit: Candace Jensen

Looks like Ace is right on track with the average weights shown in the table above.

Hopefully this post helps you to envision what your full grown Goldendoodle will look like!

Are you tracking your pup’s weights and taking weekly pictures? How do yours compare to Ace’s? Let us know in the comments below!

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4 thoughts on “From Pup to Full Grown Goldendoodle! Adorable Goldendoodle Growth Pictures

Eileen Maria Coto Reply

Intrested in mini golden doodle my daughter has about mid size

December 3, 2020 at 8:13 pm
Connie Reply

I have a mini golden doodle.

December 13, 2020 at 12:22 am
Siara Reply

I have an 11 week old Labradoodle named Winston. They really do make the cutest puppies and are quite good dogs.

October 13, 2021 at 1:14 am
Jill Liston Jones Reply

I have not been taking pictures weekly, but that is such a great idea. I wish I would have done it. I do have a picture of Leo when I first brought him home and now a picture when he’s seven months which I can send.

June 4, 2023 at 10:47 am