Becoming a new puppy owner comes with many joys, challenges, and responsibilities. After all, you’re now taking care of a baby dog who requires your constant care and attention. Inevitably, puppyhood is going to revolve around potty breaks. You’ll need to stay consistent with potty training and make sure your little pup gets to go to the bathroom as often as necessary. But what if your puppy is peeing a lot

It’s in our nature to be extremely careful and cautious, and become overly worried when there might be something wrong with our beloved pets. You might be wondering – why is my puppy peeing so much? Is that something to worry about? In this article, we’re going to answer all of your questions on this topic, and discuss various reasons why your puppy could be peeing a lot. Let’s dive in! 

Table of Contents

How To Know If My Puppy Is Peeing A Lot?

So, your puppy is peeing a lot, but you’re not sure if it’s normal. Is it something to be concerned about? 

If you’ve ever had an adult dog, you probably know that they can typically hold it in pretty well. They’ll usually do their business after waking up, and a few more times after mealtimes and before going to bed. Typically, adult dogs pee around 3 to 5 times a day, give or take.

But what about puppies? How to know if your puppy is peeing a lot or even too much? Well, first we need to establish what are the normal bathroom habits for puppies. 

As puppies are doing lots of growing in their first year, they obviously will also pee more. Their bladders are tiny compared to adults. So, holding it in is not really an option. In addition to that, they’re also still learning how and when to go potty. Naturally, it’s going to take them a while to get a hang of it. 

At first, it may seem like your puppy is peeing a lot, especially if it’s your first time having a puppy in your household, or if you’ve already gotten some practice with an adult dog. 

How Much Do Puppies Pee?

In fact, puppies tend to use the bathroom almost every waking hour. Puppies have to pee after waking up, before taking a nap and going to bed, after playtime, and of course, after every meal and water break. So, it’s completely normal for a puppy to pee about 12 times each day, sometimes even more. 

What’s more, the AKC suggests that puppies can generally control their bladders for as many hours as they are in months. For example, a 4-month old puppy may be able to hold it for about 4 hours. 

Of course, each puppy is unique and there’s no reason why you should make your puppy wait for 4 hours to pee if they really have to go. However, it’s a helpful guide you can use when evaluating your puppy’s bathroom habits and where they are with house training. 

Is It Normal For Puppies To Pee Every 5 Minutes?

Now, although it’s normal for puppies to pee quite frequently, especially if they’re young and haven’t done much potty training yet, there may also be a reason for concern.

A question we often hear is  – why is my puppy peeing every 5 minutes? Or why is my puppy peeing every 10 minutes? Unfortunately, this should set your alarm bells ringing, as it could indicate that your puppy is struggling with a medical issue, or even an emergency. 

As we mentioned earlier, puppies tend to pee every hour or so. If they’ve recently had a meal or drank a lot of water, it’s not uncommon for them to go potty sooner than that. However, if there’s no apparent reason why your puppy may be peeing more often than usual, it’s critical you get your pup to the vet as soon as possible.

Needless to say, you should never punish your puppy for accidents. They’re still learning, developing, and growing. As long as you stay firm and consistent, and use positive reinforcement, your puppy will soon learn how to properly control its bladder and learn when they’re supposed to go potty. 

Puppy Is Peeing A Lot Because Of A Medical Reason

If your puppy is peeing a lot, at a frequency that isn’t deemed normal, it’s time to consult with your veterinarian. There are multiple medical reasons why your puppy could be peeing a lot. Some of the most common causes include kidney infections and diseases, bladder infections, kidney stones, bladder stones, urinary tract infections, and diabetes. 

It goes without saying that each of these medical problems is a reason for concern. If your puppy is peeing a lot, consult with your vet immediately to get to the root of the issue. On top of that, your puppy may likely feel much discomfort, or even pain, so acting fast here is crucial. 

Obviously, you should keep a close eye on your puppy, their behavior, bathroom habits, and appetite at all times. Only then you’ll be able to detect any warning signs early on, and get your pup veterinary care in a timely manner. 

Is UTI Causing Your Puppy To Pee A Lot?

One of the most common medical reasons that can cause a puppy to pee a lot are urinary tract infections. UTIs are extremely uncomfortable, sometimes even painful. Luckily, UTIs are generally easy to treat with the help of antibiotics. 

Oftentimes, UTIs also come with other symptoms, such as discoloration and blood in urine, difficulty peeing, whining, and visible discomfort and pain. Of course, an urgent vet visit is crucial to diagnose and treat a UTI as fast as possible. Typically, UTIs are quick and easy to diagnose with a urine sample. 

Is Diabetes The Reason Behind Your Puppy Peeing Every 10 Minutes?

A more serious reason why your puppy may be peeing a lot is diabetes. Just like in humans, puppies can develop diabetes, which means that their body can’t effectively use and produce insulin. 

One of the earliest signs of diabetes is excessive urination. Because of high blood sugar levels and not enough insulin, kidneys work extra hard to filter all of that excess sugar. As a result, your puppy will be peeing a lot more than they normally would. Additionally, due to frequent bathroom breaks, your puppy will very likely be more thirsty and drink large quantities of water at once. 

Diabetes is a serious medical concern. If you suspect that your puppy has diabetes, consult with your vet as soon as possible. Fortunately, diabetes can be managed. However, there’s no cure for diabetes so you’ll most likely have to keep your pup on daily medications and a diabetic dog food formula. 

Are Behavioral Problems Making Your Puppy Pee A Lot?

Behavioral issues are a common cause for excessive urination in puppies. If your puppy is peeing a lot, it might be due to anxiety or unfinished house training. Or, they could simply be marking their territory, looking for attention, or feeling overly excited.


Vulnerable young puppies may feel stressed and anxious in their new homes. Other puppies may feel anxious in new situations, surroundings, and around new people. In addition to that, very affectionate breeds can also develop separation anxiety. Oftentimes, anxiety manifests itself in excessive urination. 

The best way to combat this is by socializing your puppy from an early age with other people and animals. You’ll also want to introduce them to a variety of new places, sights, and sounds for them to become confident in unfamiliar situations. This way, you’ll be able to raise your puppy into a confident adult, meaning that they’re much less likely to feel anxious in certain situations. 

Of course, you’ll also want to provide your puppy a happy, safe, and fulfilled life. Make sure your pup eats a nutritious diet, gets to exercise and train, play, and build a healthy and strong bond with your canine friend. If necessary, don’t be afraid to hire a dog behaviorist or a dog trainer to help manage your pup’s anxiety. 

Unfinished Housetraining

Needless to say, improper or incomplete house training can cause your puppy to pee a lot. Often inside the house. If you haven’t consistently taught your puppy when and where to go potty, how could they know appropriate bathroom manners?

Potty training takes a lot of time, even up to a year in some cases. Generally, puppies will be mostly house trained in a few months time. But, it’s normal if some accidents happen from time to time. The key here is to stay consistent with your training. 

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As soon as you bring your new puppy home, establish a daily routine that you’ll follow every single day. Set mealtimes and potty breaks, and introduce your puppy to an appropriate potty area. Setting a schedule is also a great way to build confidence and improve your puppy’s sense of security.  

Of course, if your puppy just hasn’t finished its house training yet, accidents are bound to happen. Keep in mind that your puppy is still learning how to control their bladder, and sometimes they just have to go…immediately. 

Looking For Attention

Some puppies have learned the clever trick of going potty where and when they shouldn’t, because they’ll get your attention immediately. If that’s the case, then there’s a simple fix – just spend more quality time with your pup, and make sure that they’re both physically and mentally stimulated enough. Go for daily walkies, play fetch, and discover fun puzzle toys to keep them entertained. 

In addition to that, some puppies accidentally pee when they’re overly excited or feel new, unfamiliar emotions. For example, your puppy may be overjoyed that you’ve come back home so they can’t help but pee when they greet you. 

Is Your Puppy Peeing So Much To Mark Their Territory?

It’s not uncommon for a puppy to be peeing a lot when they’ve entered adolescence. You’ll probably notice that your puppy is leaving small marks in random places while out and about, or even inside the house. As puppies are still learning how to exercise bladder control, it may take some time for them to learn how and when they can mark. 

Oftentimes, inappropriate marking will be fixed once your puppy gets spayed or neutered. Of course, you’ll want to consult with your veterinarian about the most appropriate time for doing so. 

In fact, spaying and neutering has many great benefits for your puppy’s health, development, and behavior. You’ll also be able to prevent unwanted pregnancies and ensure the health and longevity of your dog, and other dogs in the neighborhood. 

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Excessive Water Causing Your Puppy To Pee A Lot Suddenly?

If your puppy is peeing a lot suddenly, it might be simply down to the fact that they’ve just drank a huge amount of water. Just like we get thirsty after a good exercise or spending time outside in hot weather, so do puppies and dogs. 

Puppies usually have to eliminate 30 to 60 minutes after eating or drinking. So, if your puppy just finished the whole water bowl, it’s normal for them to have a longer potty break, maybe even two. 

But, as we discussed earlier, diabetes can also cause a puppy to drink excessive amounts of water, and therefore pee more as well. If there’s no logical reason why your dog may be drinking and peeing a lot, such as finishing vigorous exercise or being in warm weather, we recommend your book a vet appointment as soon as possible.

Sleep Cycle Impacting Puppy’s Peeing Habits?

My puppy pees a lot – could it be somehow connected to their bedtime routine? Establishing and consistently following a daily routine is one of the best ways to teach your puppy how to go potty and train their bladder control. You’ll want to schedule all the mealtimes, naps, and even bedtime so your pup will learn when it’s time to go out. 

We recommend you let your puppy have access to clean drinking water at all times during the day, and take away the water bowl one or two hours before bedtime. This ensures that your puppy has plenty of time to process the water and do one more potty break before bed. 

However, it’s normal for puppies, especially very young ones, to have to pee during night time as well. They generally don’t need to go out that often at night. But, if your puppy is letting you know at night that they have to go, let them do their business and then immediately go back to sleep to enforce a good bedtime routine. 

Crate training can be super helpful in this case. As an added bonus, your puppy will have its very own safe haven, where they can rest whenever they feel like it. 

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Puppy Peeing A Lot: Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should An 8-Week Puppy Pee?

An 8-week old puppy will likely have to pee every hour or so, and every 3 to 4 hours at nighttime. Setting a daily schedule is key in potty training your pup. You’ll want to establish a consistent feeding and sleeping schedule, and plan potty breaks around them. 

Generally, puppies have to go first thing in the morning, 30 to 60 minutes after meals, after play and exercise, before bedtime, and so forth. As a general rule of thumb, younger puppies should be taken out once every 30 minutes to an hour. 

How Do You Tell If A Puppy Has A UTI?

If your puppy is peeing a lot because of a UTI, you’ll probably also notice some other symptoms. These include cloudy and bloody urine, difficulty or pain when peeing, whining, and visible discomfort. If your puppy is experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time for an urgent vet visit. Fortunately, UTIs are generally easy to treat with antibiotics. 

Final Thoughts: Understand Your Dog’s Peeing Habits

Why is my puppy peeing so much? If your puppy is peeing a lot, there can be various reasons for that. Fortunately, most of the time it’s just the case of not having enough bladder control just yet. However, excessive peeing in puppies can also indicate that there’s an underlying health issue that should be dealt with. Whatever’s the case, it’s vital that you know what signs to look for so you can determine whether or not it’s something to worry about. Hopefully this article has managed to shed some light on this topic so you can keep track of your puppy’s health while successfully house training them. 

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The information on this page is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for qualified professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have.

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One thought on “Why Is My Puppy Peeing A Lot? Common Causes & Concerns

Sheryl Coates Reply

HI.. my 14week old groodle has been going potty with no routine. I watch her like a hawk (which in turn means she is everywhere I go also), and take her out pretty much every half hour. She still urinates inside, and I dont quite know how to teach her to go every two hours or so. This morning, after four outdoor visits, she has urinated inside three times on top of that. This is over a two and half hour period. I notice she doesnt empty her bladder when she goes outside (short urination). Is there something that needs to be taught for this to happen. She sleeps nine hours without going outside at all … so I know she can hold on at night time. Its really disheartening when I am trying everything to get her trained, and nothing seems to work unless I am watching every move she makes in order to catch her out. thankyou

August 3, 2022 at 6:49 pm

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