Are you looking for the best brush for a Mastidoodle? You’ve come to the right place! In this guide, you’ll learn how to choose the best brush for your Mastidoodle according to your dog’s coat type and hair length. But that’s not all! We’ll also share with you our best tips and tricks on how to prevent matting, the dreaded shave off, and how to properly groom your Mastidoodle to achieve the fluffiest, most gorgeous looking coat you’ve ever seen on a Dood. 

Table of Contents

The majestic Mastiff-Poodle mix is a large, even giant-sized Dood that’s just as loving and loyal as its Mastiff parent, and equally as playful and intelligent as the Poodle. Although the purebred Mastiff is an amazing breed in its own right, their shedding coat can prove to be an issue for many. But when adding the Poodle into the mix, we get a Mastidoodle that’s not much unlike its Mastiff parent – they just have a much more allergy-friendly coat! 

Indeed, Poodle mixes are just great like that! However, Mastidoodles also need to be groomed regularly to keep their coats healthy, looking good, free from mats, and to minimize any potential for shedding. The most important step in a Mastidoodle’s grooming routine is definitely brushing. While they need to have their hair trimmed every few months, it’s a completely different story with their brushing sessions. 

This brings us to the topic of this article – how to choose the best brush for your Mastidoodle then? There are so many different types of dog brushes out there, don’t they all work pretty much the same? Well, as the Mastidoodle has a very thick and fluffy coat, they also need a dog grooming brush that can actually do its job. So, first we’re going to take a look at two different types of brushes that are best for Mastidoodles and discuss why that is.

Slicker Brush

A slicker brush is one of the most effective types of dog grooming brushes for almost any grooming purpose you may have. You can use it for detangling the coat as well as deshedding it from loose dog hair. 

Chris Christensen big g slicker brush comparison pics

Slicker brushes typically have a similar design with some variations. The paddle is usually wide, letting you brush through larger areas more quickly, and the length of the pins can vary from brush to brush. It also has a distinctive ergonomic handle placement that many people prefer when brushing thick and textured coats. 

When shopping for a slicker brush for your Mastidoodle, make sure to opt for something that’s made from quality, durable materials. Also, pay attention to how long the pins on the brush are – they should penetrate all layers of the fur to effectively prevent matting. 

Pin Brush

A pin brush is a more traditional type of dog brush. It’s very similar to regular old human hair brushes. Now you might wonder – can you just opt for a random brush that you see in the supermarket? For dogs, we always recommend pin brushes that are designed for dog fur. 

chris pin brush
Chris Christensen Oval Pin Brush

A good pin brush will usually have stainless steel or metal pins that have rounded tips. Not only will this increase safety when using it, preventing skin irritations and injuries, they also penetrate thick coats much better. Stainless steel pins are also much more durable than plastic or wooden pins. 

Again, make sure to look at the quality of the brush and also the length of the pins. The longer your Mastidoodle’s coat, the longer should the pins on the brush be to fully penetrate the coat. 

Essential For All Mastidoodles: Metal Or Stainless Steel Comb

For detangling knots and mats, a brush won’t be enough. An excellent tool when working on those stubborn tangles is a comb. More specifically, a stainless steel or metal comb. 

best brush for labradoodle
Andis Pet Steel Comb

These combs are, again, much more sturdy and durable, so you can get those knots and mats out much quicker. Not to mention, plastic and wooden combs tend to snap very fast if you’ve got a mat-prone pup like the Mastidoodle. 

A comb is also great when you’re detangling the hair on the face and other smaller areas, such as the paws, around the ears, and so on. 

What Is The Best Brush For Mastidoodle?

When you’re shopping for the best brush for your Mastidoodle, you have to weigh in a few different factors. Firstly, your Mastidoodle’s coat type – we’ll talk about that in a moment. Secondly, how long is your Mastidoodle’s coat? If you prefer to have that long, shaggy Doodle look on your pooch, it’s crucial that the brush has very long pins reaching the very root of the hair. 

Thirdly, don’t forget to take into account your dog’s size. Mastidoodles are big boys and girls, so pay attention to the size of the brush. A bigger dog grooming brush will work best for larger dogs like the Mastidoodle. This way, you won’t have to spend unnecessarily long time on those brushing sessions. 

Best Brush For Mastidoodles Based On Their Coat Type

Being a hybrid cross, a Mastidoodle can come in three coat types – curly, wavy, or straight. While Poodles are well-known for their thick, textured, and lengthy curls, purebred Mastiffs have straight, short, and dense double coats. As you can imagine, their Mastidoodle puppies can lean more on one side of their lineage or the other, or fall somewhere right in between. 

Curly Coat

Curly-coated Mastidoodles inherit the majority of their coat genetics from the Poodle parent. These types of coats are most commonly seen in F1b, F1bb, and F2b Mastidoodles where the majority of the puppies’ genetic makeup consists of the Poodle.

curly coat doodle
Doodle with a curly coat.

What makes the curly Mastidoodle coat so highly sought after is its allergy-friendliness. Curly-coated Mastidoodles tend to come with a single layer of fur, so there’s no shedding undercoat present. And all those layers of thick, textured hair easily trap in any loose dog hair anyway. 

On the other hand, curly-coated Mastidoodles are also the most high-maintenance because of the same reasons. Their hair is prone to matting, since they can very easily become tangled. Especially if you’re not using the right kind of brush. With that said, the best brush for a Mastidoodle with a curly coat is a slicker brush that’s the most effective type of dog grooming brush. 

Straight Coat

Straight-coated Mastidoodles usually have quite thick and moderate length coats, but they also inherit a shedding undercoat from the Mastiff’s side of their lineage. Because of their shedding double coats, they’re not the best choice for people with more severe dog allergies. 

Doodle with a straight coat.

With straight coats, it’s important to brush out any loose dog hair. This will help you manage any shedding, keeping your floors and furniture as clean from dog hair as possible. Although straight coats aren’t as tangle-prone as curly coats, they still need some help with deshedding the coat to prevent matting. For straight-coated Mastidoodles, both pin and slicker brushes are great options. 

Wavy Coat

And lastly, probably the most common coat type we see in Mastidoodles is the wavy coat. This coat is usually the easiest to manage in terms of their proneness to matting. They’re also not as heavy shedders as straight-coated Doods, either. 

wavy coat doodle
Doodle with a wavy coat.

Still, regular brushing and other grooming activities are important to keep your wavy-coated Mastidoodle’s coat fluffy, healthy, and free from mats. The best brush for a Mastidoodle with a wavy coat is either a slicker or pin brush, depending on your preference. If your wavy-haired Dood is very prone to tangling, a slicker brush would be a better option. 

Best Brush For Mastidoodles: Reviews With Pros & Cons

Chris Christensen Big G Slicker Brush

The most preferred dog grooming brush by Doodle owners and professional groomers is the Chris Christensen Big G Slicker Brush. It’s truly one of the best brushes on the market, especially for Doodle coats. The quality of this brush is insane and it’s also very, very effective at detangling and deshedding the coat. 

Chris Christensen Big G “Coral” Slicker Brush

As you’d expect from a slicker brush, the Big G has a wide paddle with an ergonomic handle placement. The brush features long, bended pins that can reach all layers of the fur like nothing else. What’s more, the non-slip handle is extra long so that your arm won’t get as tired when brushing your pooch. 


  • Designed for heavy-duty grooming purposes;
  • Wide paddle lets you achieve fast results;
  • Extra long non-slip handle gives you a good grip;
  • Excellent quality dog grooming brush;
  • Available to purchase in three different sizes: large, medium, and Baby G.


  • More expensive than most other dog brushes available to purchase. However, the quality and ease of use of this brush are unmatched.

The verdict: The Chris Christensen Big G Slicker Brush is the best brush for Mastidoodles with curly coats. Although designed for those heavy-duty grooming sessions, you can also use it on wavy and straight-coated Mastidoodles if you prefer to do so. Due to the Mastidoodle’s large stature, we recommend the large size brush for the fastest results. For Mastidoodle puppies, either the Baby G or medium-sized option are better suited. 

Chris Christensen Original Series Oval Pin Brush

For fans of pin brushes, the Chris Christensen Original Series Oval Pin Brush is the perfect alternative to their Big G. This pin brush is superior to most other pin brushes that are designed for dogs. It’s made from quality beechwood that’s lightweight, yet gives you a very good grip. This pin brush also has the smoothest, most amazing stainless steel pins that are so easy to use on thick Mastidoodle coats. Oh, and it’s very affordable, too! 

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that pin brushes in general aren’t as effective on very curly and textured coats as slicker brushes. But if you’ve got a wavy or straight-haired Mastidoodle, it can be a great addition to your at-home grooming kit. Not only is it great for minor detangling, it’s also perfect for deshedding the coat from loose dog hair. 


  • Features super smooth pins with rounded tips for your pup’s comfort and safety;
  • High-quality beechwood body that’s sturdy and durable;
  • Great price point for such a good brush;
  • Available to purchase in three sizes and pin lengths: 20mm, 27mm, and 35mm.


  • Generally, pin brushes aren’t as effective as slicker brushes.

The verdict: The Chris Christensen Pin Brush is the best brush for Mastidoodles with wavy or straight coats that are less tangle-prone than curly coats. Be sure to pay attention to the size/pin length of the brush. For very long-haired Mastidoodles, the 35mm option is ideal. 

Andis Steel Greyhound Comb

Last, but definitely not least, is the Andis Steel Greyhound Comb that every Mastidoodle parent needs to have! This affordable comb is made from premium quality stainless steel that’s not going to snap or break even when detangling the most stubborn mats. 

This stainless steel comb features two sides. So whether you’re working on those knots and mats, or perhaps detangling the fur on the face and other smaller areas, you can easily switch between its two sides for fast results. Thanks to its sturdy design, you’ll also have a good grip whilst holding it in your hand. 


  • Perfect for detangling knots and mats in thick Mastidoodle coats;
  • Two sides for different grooming needs;
  • Great for detangling the fur on the face and other delicate areas;
  • Affordable and very high-quality.


  • None!

Best Brush For Mastidoodle: Honorable Mentions

Whether you’re not keen on paying the big bucks for the Big G, or you’d simply like to have a look at other options, here we’ve got some alternative picks lined up for you:

Products Catorgorized “Brushes and Combs”

How Choosing The Right Brush For Your Mastidoodle Can Help Prevent Matting?

Like other Poodle mixes, Mastidoodles are prone to matting due to their thick, textured coats. The easiest way to prevent this common issue is to brush your Dood regularly with the right kind of dog grooming brush. You should buy a brush that’s suited to your dog’s unique needs, including their coat type and hair length. 

The best brush for Mastidoodles with curly coats is by far a slicker brush. These types of dog brushes are designed for those heavy-duty grooming needs, just like the dense and textured curly coats. Because wavy and straight-coated Mastidoodles’ hair isn’t as textured and they’re usually slightly less prone to matting, they can be brushed with both slicker and pin brushes. 

What’s more, we cannot stress enough the importance of paying attention to the pin length on the brush. The longer your Dood’s hair, the longer pins you’ll need to get rid of all the tangles hiding inside the depths of the fur. Similarly, for Mastidoodles we recommend larger-sized dog brushes so that those grooming sessions won’t be as long and tedious. 

Of course, the overall quality and ease of use of the brush will also make a difference. The brush should be durable, made from high-quality materials, and you should have a good, comfortable grip while using it. Also, the best dog brushes for Mastidoodles have stainless steel or metal pins that can manage those thick coats more easily. 

How Often Do You Have To Groom A Mastidoodle?

How often you should brush your Mastidoodle does somewhat depend on their coat type. For curly-coated Mastidoodle’s, daily brushing sessions are a must to prevent matting. But while straight and wavy-coated Mastidoodles can be brushed with lesser frequency, about 3-4 times a week, we do strongly recommend that all Mastidoodles are brushed daily to prevent matting and shedding. 

Keep in mind that matting isn’t just about the looks. Mats can be very painful and irritating for dogs, so you should aim to prevent it as much as possible. And if you brush your pooch daily, those sessions will much likely be quite short anyway thanks to consistent upkeep and grooming. 

Brushing also has many other benefits for your Mastidoodle’s skin and coat health. It helps promote circulation under the skin and also distribute natural skin oils throughout the coat. This in turn will give your Dood’s coat a beautiful, natural shine, and also boost the hair strength. 

And furthermore, if you brush your Mastidoodle daily, you might not even have to bathe them as often! All of that dirt, debris, and dust easily gets stuck in a dog’s coat. But by brushing it out every night, it won’t make your pup as smelly and dirty as quickly. 

But we’re not going to pretend that any of us has never forgotten to pick up the brush for a few days or weeks at a time… In case that’s happened with your Dood, you can use the more advanced line brushing method to prevent your pup from being shaved altogether. 

Can You Over-Brush A Mastidoodle?

It’s not really possible to ‘over-brush’ your Mastidoodle. Ideally, you’d brush them at least once a day. But if you’d like to, you can even brush them after each walk outside to get rid of any dirt or debris from the hair. 

Still, using the right kind of dog brush and the correct brushing technique will help you achieve the best results. Most importantly, never pull the hair or put too much pressure onto your dog’s skin. This can be painful for your pet and also irritate the skin and lead to other issues. 

How To Brush A Mastidoodle Properly?

Get your brush and comb, a dog detangler spray, and follow the step-by-step guide below to keep your Mastidoodle’s coat shiny, fluffy, and free from mats. 

Step #1

As the very first step, you’ll run your hands through your dog’s coat to see if there are any knots that require some extra attention. If you find any, you’ll first work on each of them individually with a stainless steel comb. To loosen up the knots and mats, spray on some dog detangling spray before you start detangling them. Pay close attention to areas that are the most prone to matting. These are usually behind the ears, where the collar or harness sits on your dog’s body, and around the paw pads. 

If you’re working on very stubborn knots and mats, be sure to be extra gentle and mindful when detangling them. A helpful trick we like to use is to hold the knot super close to the root with one hand while detangling with a comb in the other hand. This will take excess pressure off the root and your dog won’t feel a thing (hopefully). 

Another tip is to always detangle in the direction of the hair growth. Start from the very tip of the hair and move your way slowly up towards the root to loosen up the knots. 

Step #2

Once the worst is behind you, you can reach for your slicker or pin brush. Before you start, you can again spray on dog detangling spray to make the hair softer and easier to brush through. Be sure to avoid the eyes, nose, and mouth! 

You should first prioritize areas that are the closest to the ground and work your way up. So, you’ll start by brushing the paws and feet, moving onto the legs, then the chest, neck, and belly. Then you can brush the sides, bum, and tail area. And then finally you’d detangle the hair on the back. 

If your pup isn’t too keen on having a large dog grooming brush around their eyes and nose, you can use a comb instead for the hair on the face. It’s also much easier to maneuver around those hard-to-reach areas. 

best brush for mastidoodle

Step #3

To make your Mastidoodle extra fluffy, gently tease their hair in upward strokes with a comb or brush. This will give their coat a nice volume and that signature shaggy Doodle look. 

Best Brush For Mastidoodle: FAQs

What Is The Best Brush For Mastidoodle?

The best brush for Mastidoodles is by far the Chris Christensen Big G Slicker Brush in the size large. If your Dood isn’t as prone to matting and you prefer a more familiar handle placement, an excellent alternative is the Chris Christensen Original Series Oval Pin Brush. For detangling knots and mats, we recommend you also get the Andis Steel Greyhound Comb that has two sides.

How Do You Make A Mastidoodle Fluffy?

To make your Mastidoodle super fluffy, make sure to keep track of their grooming routine. You should brush your Doodle daily, bathe them regularly, and trim their hair every 6 to 8 weeks. Additionally, blow drying your Mastidoodle’s hair after bathing is an excellent way to lift up the root for that extra volume. And after brushing, you can fluff up the coat with a comb or brush. 

How Do You Groom A Mastidoodle Puppy?

When brushing and grooming a Mastidoodle puppy, you have to be even more careful with the pressure you apply, as puppies have very delicate skin. A smaller-sized dog grooming brush is also going to be helpful in that life stage – it’s just easier to use on a smaller pup! But besides these two tips, you can follow the same instructions we shared with you above. 

Learn How to Stop Shavedowns For Good & Keep Matting At Bay!

Discover the PROPER Doodle coat care routine that gets your pup to cooperate…helps you nip tangles in the bud…and gets groomers to do exactly what you want.

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  • Doodle Parenthood Community and Support Group ($190 value)
  • Custom Doodle Coat Care Plan Lifetime Access ($75 value)
  • Easy to Use Doodle Grooming Tracker ($20 value)
  • And MORE!
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