Your 10-month old puppy looks more like an adult every day, but don’t forget that developmentally, he’s still an adolescent. Learn what to expect from your 10-month dog and what you need to know as a Doodle parent.

At this point, you’re probably in a routine, and things are mostly steady with your adorable Dood. Since you’re past the rapid development stage, probably not much has changed with your puppy since last month.

Yet, at the same time, you’re fully in the “teenage years” now and probably have been for at least a month. Are you starting to wonder when your puppy’s adolescence stage will end? 

Yeah, I’ve been there and remember those days with Chloe. On the one hand, it seemed like they would never end, and on the other, it seemed like time was flying by. It was a very odd yo-yo, back and forth type of experience. 

As a reminder, this stage WILL end, but it usually lasts until around 18 months of age, and in some cases, it could go on until 2.5 years of age. Hang in there! In the meantime, focus your attention on cementing your bond with your 10-month old puppy and continuing to reinforce his training. 

Remember: even though some days might be worse than others, your puppy loves you very much. (Now go give him a hug and a scratch behind the ears!)

Meanwhile, it might interest you to learn what to expect this month with your puppy developmentally, behaviorally, and as a Doodle puppy parent.

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The Second Fear Period (The Fear Imprint Stage)

Developmentally, all dogs go through two primary fear periods, and they each have a different but important purpose. The first one happens when puppies are 8-11 weeks old so that their increasing mobility doesn’t put them in situations that are too dangerous. 

The Fear Imprint stage (fear period #2) happens sometime between 6-18 months to help dogs develop healthy self-confidence as well as appropriate fight or flight responses. Expect this stage to wax and wane a bit. Just when you think your pup might be moving out of it, it could appear again. 

It sounds like a long time, but that’s only because different-sized dogs go through it at different ages. Small pups will go through it at younger ages, while bigger Doods will hit this stage closer to 18 months.

Your 10-month old puppy will suddenly become afraid of objects or situations that weren’t a problem before. Allow him to get comfortable and investigate them on his own time, and don’t forget to praise him for his bravery! 

40-44 Week Old Puppy Growth: Physical And Behavioral Development

Developmentally, things seem fairly quiet at this point, but there are still good things to know. Here’s what you can expect this month.

10-Month Old Puppy Physical Development

  • Your Dood has reached sexual maturity by now, which means that even large Doodles (over 50 lb.) can be spayed/neutered now. Discuss your plan with your vet if you haven’t done so already.
  • If your pup isn’t already spayed/neutered, he is probably exhibiting sexual behavior by now.
  • Even though each puppy will grow at an individual growth rate, keep track of his growth with our Doodle Puppy Growth Tracker to make sure he’s on track.
  • As your Doodle grows, you’ll likely need to increase his food. Only feed him puppy food at this age and regularly check that he’s getting enough.
  • His adult fur coat may still not be fully in yet. If it isn’t, brush him every day to avoid mats as he sheds that puppy coat. Trim his nails weekly.

10-Month Old Puppy Behavioral Development

  • That adorable helpless puppy you brought home is now a full-fledged adolescent now, and he will test you in a similar way that human teenagers test their parents. Expect to see:
    • One rebellious puppy who tests limits and boundaries and explores his dominance and place in the pack. 
    • Did he “forget” his training? He’ll sure act like it.
    • More energy and stubbornness.
    • Increased boredom, which will likely lead to destructive behavior.

What To Expect As A Doodle Parent

  • Even the most prepared Doodle parent may find things to be challenging from time to time at this age. That’s normal! Go easy on yourself and your puppy – don’t expect perfect behavior right now.
  • Exercise helps to curb boredom and destructive behavior. Continue to provide safe opportunities for vigorous play and exercise.
  • Be consistent and firm with your 10-month old puppy’s training – even if he acts like he has no idea what you’re saying.
  • Soak up those precious puppy moments. They are quickly coming to an end.


  • Your Dood should be potty trained by now. If your 10-month dog is still having major issues with house training, reach out to your vet because he may have a treatable health problem.
  • Because your pup is now sexually mature, if he hasn’t been spayed/neutered yet, be sure that he’s safely confined to the house and yard. Otherwise, he may go to great lengths and escape to mate.
  • It’s inevitable that you’ll likely start to notice new behavior issues as your dog matures. Address those issues as soon as possible, and don’t assume he’ll “grow out of it.” Consider hiring a dog trainer or behaviorist if you find these issues are too hard to correct on your own.
  • During your Doodle’s occasional lapses of obedience, avoid situations that could have harmful results, such as off-leash work in an unsecured area.
  • Do an evaluation once a week on how much you’re feeding your puppy and adjust if needed.
  • Avoid punishing your pup – address behavioral issues with redirection and training reminders.

Enjoy The Time You Have With Your 10-Month Old Puppy

While it may not FEEL like much has changed from last month, your Dood is still changing and maturing quickly. Remember to get your puppy outside to burn off some of that pent-up energy and sneak in a cuddle or two when you can. 

Find out more about what to expect with your puppy from next month.