Here we have detailed some of the very best products based on actual pet owner reviews to help you find the best shampoo for Sheepadoodles. Luckily, many of them have ingredients that tackle detangling, soothing irritated skin, repelling pests, and much more besides. Let’s get started.

If you’ve recently adopted a new Doodle, then you’re in for a treat. These gorgeous dogs are smart, loving, and loyal, and you’re going to have a great time getting to know your new pal. However, part and parcel of dog ownership are a myriad of responsibilities, not least of which is coat care.

Those stunning teddy bear locks that make Doodles so darn cute, unfortunately, don’t just take care of themselves. Alongside daily brushing and regular trims, you are going to need to frequently bathe your pup to keep them looking great and smelling fresh.

Top 6 Shampoos Doodle Owners Swear By

Here is a quick rundown of our best dog shampoos with links to where you can get hold of them. For a more detailed account with pros and cons, keep reading.

Types of Dog Shampoo: A Quick Overview

The canine care market is simply exploding with so many excellent products available. This obviously has its upsides, but it can also make it tricky to find just what you’re looking for without scrolling through never-ending product reviews. 

That’s why we’ve come up with our top 6 list of shampoos perfectly suited to Sheepadoodles. We will also explain the various features of them so that you can find the one that best meets the needs of your four-legged friend. 

Firstly let’s take a look at some of the different types of shampoos that you are going to want to consider for one of these dogs. These can be divided into four main categories, although some versatile products will happily fit into more than one. 

All-Natural Shampoos

While some believe that natural ingredients aren’t quite as effective as harsher chemicals, we are here to tell you that’s simply not true. Not only do can they clean, hydrate, and eliminate odors just as well, but there are no nasty side effects like dry, irritated skin or brittle hair. Opt for products with clear, easy-to-understand ingredients lists rather than endless artificial dyes and fragrances. 

Soothing Shampoos

A soothing shampoo is obviously just the ticket for a dog suffering skin irritations – whatever the reason. Products abound containing ingredients like aloe vera, oatmeal, and rosewater that can all help deal with such issues. However, many shampoos these days also contain various essential oils and other ingredients such as lavender, mint, and chamomile. These have a calming effect on canine nerves and are perfect for a pup that gets particularly anxious at bath time. 

Medicated Shampoos

These products have been designed to help with a specific coat problem your pooch may be having, such as fleas and ticks or fungus and bacterial build-up. They are naturally a little harsher (not to mention more expensive) than general shampoos, so you should only really be using them for short periods based on the recommendations of your vet. 

2-in-1 Shampoos

Perfect as a time-saving tool (making you and your dog’s lives that little easier), 2-in-1 shampoos have it all – super-effective cleaning agents and ingredients to add moisture to your pet’s coat and skin. The good news is plenty of canine shampoos now double up in this way. However, if your furry friend is especially prone to tangles, they might not be quite strong enough to deal with this. 

See Also:

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Shampoos for Sheepadoodles: Buyer’s Guide

As is the case with people, dog hair comes in numerous varieties. As such, there is not one shampoo to suit every coat type. This is doubly true for Doodles, who can inherit wildly different hair depending on their non-Poodle parent. For this reason, you are really going to need to consider your pup’s specific needs when purchasing the best coat-cleaning products for them. 

For those rare Doods who don’t end up with the famously low shedding Doodle coat, you’ll be looking to invest in something that can help either reduce or deal with loose hair and dander. Look for something designed specifically for shedding dogs. These shampoos are generally quite rich and help lock moisture into the hair and skin, softening and strengthening it. 

Another common Sheepadoodle issue inherited from their Poodle ancestry is sensitive skin. Sometimes this is caused by food intolerances, but often it’s to do with the products being used to clean their coat. All-natural, hypoallergenic shampoos are great for not only helping to prevent irritation but for soothing any existing irritation too. If the problem persists, though, you should speak to your vet. 

Finally, dealing with fleas, ticks, and other nasties is part and parcel of dog ownership. For this reason, many products on the market include ingredients (usually natural, e.g., botanicals and essential oils) that repel various critters. If your dog is constantly scratch, scratch, scratching, and you know this is the problem, make use of one of these shampoos – your pup will certainly thank you for it!

Best Shampoos for Sheepadoodles: Reviews

Best for Regular Use

One of the best-kept secrets among Doodle owners in the know, Cowboy Magic is a brand that’s most often associated with horses. However, its powerful ingredients, which include effective coat detanglers, make it great for long and curly-coated Doods too. The inclusion of rosewater to an already excellent blend adds super cleansing, skin-soothing, and hair softening into the equation. It can even help scratches, and minor wounds heal faster.

Cowboy Magic Rosewater Shampoo and Conditioner

Find the Best Deal:


Reviewers note that their dog’s coat looked that much better after using this shampoo. One pet parent even comments that it made their Doodle’s coat “feel like silk.” You get a good amount of shampoo for the price, and it smells great too. There are multiple other Cowboy Magic products, such as detanglers, shine boosters, and conditioners (see below), to add as required. 


Cowboy Magic’s shampoo works for a really effective clean, a little goes a long way, and the price can’t be beaten.


There really doesn’t seem to be anything not to like about this excellent product.

Best for Anxious Bathers

While Cowboy’s shampoo has the edge on detangling action (so vital for Doodle coats), Buddy Wash’s blend is the clear winner when it comes to boosting huggability. Wheat protein acts as a natural deodorizer for mucky pups, while botanical extracts and essential oils such as chamomile, sage, lavender, and mint replace that nasty wet dog smell with something altogether more delicious. On top of that, natural conditioners will leave your dog so soft you won’t be able to resist a cuddle. 

Buddy Wash Lavender & Mint 2-in-1 Dog Shampoo + Conditioner

Pet parents are impressed with how well this shampoo deals with scruffy, scraggly-looking coats, transforming them into salon-quality hair with just one application. You only need a small amount to get a good lather going, which is great for larger dogs – you won’t be replacing the shampoo every single time you bathe them. Beyond that, the blend cleans well, soothes skin, and is so down-right decadent you’ll be tempted to use it on your own hair!


The numerous positive reviews speak for themselves here. This shampoo has been carefully blended with just about every canine coat problem in mind.


Some reviewers noted a residue, but that may well have been because they were using a little more than needed. This shampoo works best when diluted.

Best for Sensitive Skin

We wouldn’t normally be recommending human products for your canine friend. While it may seem like a harmless thing to double out your shampoo (especially if you’re fresh out of the doggy kind), it can actually cause more problems than it solves. This is due to the fact that your skin is naturally more acidic than your pup’s. So if you were to use your products on them, this would likely lead to irritation. 

Johnson’s Head-To-Toe Gentle Baby Wash & Shampoo

Find the Best Deal:


That being said, baby shampoo, and especially Johnson’s Tearless Formula, is pH-balanced so as to be mild enough for baby’s fine and delicate hair and skin. This makes it okay for dogs too. In fact, many Doodle owners swear by this stuff for keeping their pets both clean and itch-free. If you can’t find a suitable pet shampoo, then you might give this one a whirl. 


This shampoo is simple, effective, easy to get hold of, and a bargain at the price. Not to mention it won’t sting your pup’s eyes.


As a baby rather than a dog shampoo, this product lacks the cleaning power of others, meaning it’s not the best for particularly dirty hounds.

Best for Eliminating Odor

All hail the versatile 2-in-1 shampoo! With Earthbath’s Mango Tango, you’re getting a good ‘un! Washing and conditioning in one, this product ‘adds brilliance and shine while also detangling, leaving coats clean, plush, and ready for cuddles.’ We particularly love the tropical scent that will have you dreaming of palm trees and white sandy beaches every time your pet walks by. What could be better than that? 

Earthbath 2-In-1 Conditioning Shampoo

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This is a great shampoo for owners not so fond of those floral or minty scents. The fruity smell is fairly subtle so as not to be overpowering, but very definitely there. The shampoo itself is mild enough for sensitive skin while still offering a good clean and a nice shine. Plus, the bottle lasts well for what it is. 


A great shampoo, paraben and phosphate-free, a nice easy-to-understand ingredients list. Does just what you need it to do.


Some pet coats require a little more moisturizing than they got from this product. An after-wash product might be needed for long-haired and coarse-coated dogs.

Best for Hydration and Shine

If stunning, soft, shiny, runway-ready hair is your thing (and why would it not be?), then CHI’s Shampoo plus Conditioner is the product for you. You could even use it on yourself if you wanted to…! Seriously though, this fab formula washes, softens, and tones with its mild cleansing agents and moisturizing ingredients, which include silk proteins, oatmeal, and panthenol. 

CHI Gentle 2-in-1 Dog Shampoo & Conditioner

Find the Best Deal:


The reviews are truly remarkable for this excellent shampoo, with one Poodle-mix parent exclaiming that it’s the “best shampoo [they] ever bought.” It lathers up very nicely, and the scent seems to be favorable, unisex, and not overpowering like some blends can be. Chamomile helps with calming timid pooches. 


Packed full of hair nourishing ingredients, this is an excellent choice for gorgeously flowing long locks.


Some reviewers wished this shampoo had a stronger smell.

Best for Puppies

As most of the shampoos covered above are best for older dogs, we thought we better include one aimed at puppies, too. For us, you can’t beat Burt’s Bees Tearless Shampoo. It is perfectly pH balanced and has absolutely no sulfates or colorants, which are known to irritate sensitive skin. Instead, the buttermilk cleanses and nourishes while the honey helps with healthy hair growth. 

Burt’s Bees for Puppies Tearless 2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner

Find the Best Deal:

Buyers were surprised by the cleaning effectiveness of this scentless shampoo blend. It’s also gentle on the eyes – a priority when you’re trying to wrestle a wet, wriggling, floofball about the place. All in all, it’s just about perfect as a first shampoo and will quickly help your new pal to learn to enjoy bath time. 


The mild formula is well suited to puppies with no overwhelming smells or harsh chemicals.


Some reviewers mention that it’s not so great for their slightly older, slightly messier, and stinkier pups. You will need to switch it out for a more potent version once they get out and about.

Best Conditioners to Use with Your Sheepadoodle Shampoo

Not every dog needs the extra nourishment of a high-quality conditioner. For the ones that do, we recommend Cowboy Magic Rosewater Pet Conditioner – the complement to our shampoo of choice. Not only do the ingredients provide masses of moisture, but the unique demineralizer dissolves the mineral and chemical build-ups that steal away shine. 

Similarly, Isle of Dogs Silky Coating Dog Conditioner works wonders on Sheepadoodles.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Sheepadoodle Looking Their Best

Compared with other longer-haired or double-coated breeds, Sheepadoodles can be easy to care for just as long as you get it right from the get-go. Here are a few tips for keeping your pet squeaky clean, healthy, and happy. 

  1. Getting your puppy used to the tub from an early age will make bath time much more pleasant for the both of you. Introduce them gently to the water, let them investigate, and give them treats to help them build a positive association with being cleaned. Some pet owners swear by a dollop of peanut butter on the side of the bath to keep them busy. 
  2. Aim to thoroughly brush out your pet’s coat before letting them anywhere near the water. This is especially crucial if your pooch has curly, knotty hair. Washing them with tangles will just make the tangles tighten, becoming all but impossible to remove. 
  3. Keep bath time short and sweet (this is why 2-in-1 shampoos are such a lifesaver!). The faster you can be done with the messy business of bathing, the happier everyone will be. 
  4. Aim to get your pet as dry as possible as quickly as possible – this is important (doubly so if you live in a cold climate). Wrap them in a towel and pat down their coat (never rub as this could cause knots to form). A high velocity blowdryer on a low heat setting is great if your pup doesn’t mind the noise. 
  5. When their hair is quite dry, give it a good going over with a brush to finish it off and make it look sleek, shiny, and tidy. This is also an excellent time to trim around the face, ears, legs, and rear end as needed.

See Also:

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Bathing Your Sheepadoodle: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best shampoo for Sheepadoodles?

The is no right best shampoo for Sheepadoodles just as there isn’t for people. It all depends on their coat type and specific needs. For us, though, Cowboy Magic’s range is a good place to start if you’re looking for a general, regular use shampoo. It ticks all the boxes. Although, you can’t really go wrong with any mentioned here. 

How often should a Sheepadoodle be bathed?

While many of the gentler shampoo formulas will allow for very regular bathing, it’s really best to try and limit bath time to once every month or so if you can. The reason for this is that canine coats are generally pretty good at taking care of themselves. Frequent washing might strip the protective oils it naturally produces to do this. 

For cleaning and freshening action between washes, check out our recommendations for dry shampoo

Can you use human shampoo on Sheepadoodles?

It is not recommended that you use human shampoo or Sheepadoodles, or any other dogs for that matter. The composition of human skin differs considerably from that of dogs. So, products created specifically for people can cause damage and irritation to canine skin. The only type of human shampoo you should attempt to use on your pup is that specifically made for babies – and only if it is pH balanced. 

Are Sheepadoodles high maintenance?

Generally speaking, Doodles are high-maintenance dogs, although they don’t tend to blow their coats or require hours and hours of intense brushing. However, the exact amount of attention they need varies depending on their coat type. More curly-coated Sheepies will need daily brushing. They will likely also require more regular washing as their hair retains dirt and foul odors more than other kinds. 

Picking out the perfect shampoo for your pup really doesn’t have to be as much of a chore as bathing them can often be. There are so many great products out there. Here we have reviewed some of our top choices. These are our favorites, but there are plenty more hidden gems out there, we are sure. If you’ve found either a shampoo or conditioner that you love for your Sheepadoodle, let us know about them in the comments!

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The information on this page is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional groomer advice. Always seek the advice of your groomer, veterinarian, or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have.