Hypoallergenic has become a bit of a buzzword in the world of dogs, with Goldendoodles (alongside all other Doodles) being put forward as the ultimate dog solution for those with pet allergies. But what exactly is hypoallergenic – what does it even mean? And, perhaps more pressingly, are Goldendoodles hypoallergenic? 

For those of you who have allergies or are sensitive to fur-bearing animals, getting the answer to this question will ultimately help you in your decision to bring a Goldendoodle home. So let’s dive in.

Table of Contents

What Does ‘Hypoallergenic’ Mean?

For something to be considered hypoallergenic, it must be relatively unlikely to trigger an allergic reaction in someone. Animals that are considered “hypoallergenic” generally have longer hair that doesn’t shed. This allows the dander (dead skin particles) to stay embedded within the hair instead of being released into the air.

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Did you know? It’s very rare that people are allergic to dog fur. It is the dander from the skin that causes allergies to flare up.

So, Are Goldendoodles Hypoallergenic or Not?

Goldendoodles are not hypoallergenic, as no dogs are. Here’s why: 

What Triggers An Allergy To Dogs (Even Goldendoodles)?

While most people associate pet allergies with shedding – and this makes a lot of sense, as you’ll see in a bit – those who are sensitive to dogs in this way are not actually reacting to the hair itself. Instead, their body is unhappy about specific proteins found in the animal’s skin cells, saliva, or urine. These all can be carried around by their hair, which is why those with allergies might find themselves flaring up more around heavy-shedding dogs. However, it’s important to note that even if a dog is entirely hairless, it will still produce these proteins (i.e., the allergens). They will just be less far-reaching. 

Yet, there is a little wordplay involved here because, according to the experts, for something to be considered hypoallergenic, it must be relatively unlikely to trigger an allergic reaction in someone. This means that some dogs can be regarded as “hypoallergenic,” but essentially, they are just more hypoallergenic than others. Breeds – such as Poodles – that have longer, single-layered hair, which is less likely to shed as frequently as those with shorter, fur-like double-layered coats, are less likely to trigger an allergy response because they keep those crazy proteins to themselves, so to speak. 

So What Are The Chances You’ll Be Allergic To Goldendoodles?

As hybrid dogs, the question of the Goldendoodle’s level of hypoallergenic-ness is a tricky one. Similarly to the question of whether Goldendoodles shed or not, how likely an individual Goldendoodle is to trigger an allergic reaction really depends on a few things. It depends on its generation, how its genes are expressed, and how much it sheds.

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I know that’s not the definitive answer you want to hear, but don’t lose hope just yet!

As mentioned previously, Poodles are considered hypoallergenic. And even though Golden Retrievers are not hypoallergenic in the slightest, there is a fair chance a Goldendoodle can be, just so long as the breeder is doing everything right.

Theoretically, the more “Poodle” a Goldendoodle has in its blood, the less likely they are to trigger allergies. So, to enhance the chances of a Goldendoodle litter inheriting the Poodle’s more hypoallergenic hair, the breeder backcrosses a Goldendoodle with a Poodle. This means more Poodle genes and a greater chance of a low-shed coat. Depending on their specific generation, these dogs are labeled F1B, F1BB, F2B, or F2BB. 

So, if you’re worried about a new Goldendoodle puppy triggering your allergies, these are the types to go for. Just be aware that while you are less likely to suffer a reaction, there is still a chance. However, there are plenty of other things you can do to make this even less of a risk: 

How to Minimize Allergies Caused by Goldendoodles

Desperately want to bring a Goldendoodle home, but worried about your allergies? Besides choosing the best generation for your situation (F1b), our best advice…

Grooming. Period.

Grooming Tips for Reducing Allergies

If the question “are Goldendoodles hypoallergenic?” is burning a hole through your brain, you’ll be happy to know that you can minimize allergens by grooming them frequently.

Here are a couple of Goldendoodle grooming tips to help with allergies:

Bathe Them Often…

Frequently bathing your Doodle will significantly reduce the allergens caused by dander. Combine baths with a great shed control shampoo and you’ll be a happy breather.

…But Brush Them More

Grooming – more specifically, brushing – is going to be absolutely key in controlling and minimizing your allergies. Brushing helps extract dirt, loose hairs, and dander from the hair. It also helps to distribute his skin’s natural oils.

I used to recommend brushing Goldendoodles once or twice a week, but there’s an even bigger, more important reason why Goldendoodles REQUIRE DAILY BRUSHING: matted dog hair can lead to skin infections that produce even more dander. And you know who’s really prone to hair mats? Goldendoodles.

Brushing helps extract dirt, loose hairs, and dander from the hair. It also helps to distribute his skin’s natural oils.

So… more brushing = less matting = less dander = less allergies!

There are a number of different brushes for Goldendoodles on the market, and slicker brushes like the Big G will remove loose hairs from the undercoat and reduce shedding and risk of allergens by up to 90%.

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Time for a Haircut!

It is said that Goldendoodle hair never stops growing, so there will undoubtedly be some allergens lurking around no matter how often you bathe or brush him.

Because of their fast-growing, lengthy hair, Goldendoodle haircuts ought to happen frequently. You might even consider investing in your own grooming tools to save money on grooming.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it; as Goldendoodles aren’t, strictly speaking, hypoallergenic, owning one could be a risky business for someone who suffers from pet allergies. That being said, there is a way to hedge your bets by picking out a pup that has more than the standard amount of Poodle genes as per a knowledgeable breeder. On top of that, taking good care of your dog’s coat through bathing, brushing, and trimming will help prevent the distribution of the painful allergen protein around your house, rendering the symptoms of your allergy manageable and allowing you to spend time with your beloved Goldendoodle. 

Learn How to Upkeep Your Doodle!

A Maintenance Grooming Guide to Keeping Your Dood Looking as Perfect as They Do on Grooming Day!

Plus, get $355 worth of Bonus Materials for FREE, including:
  • Doodle Parenthood Community and Support Group ($190 value)
  • Video on Trimming Overgrown Eyebrows, Jowls, and Beard ($30 value)
  • Video on What Improper Brushing Looks Like ($20 value)
  • Easy to Use Doodle Grooming Tracker ($20 value)
  • And MORE!
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What other tips do you have for reducing allergies caused by Goldendoodles? Let us know in the comments below!

The information on this page is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional groomer advice. Always seek the advice of your groomer, veterinarian, or other qualified animal health provider with any questions you may have.

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12 thoughts on “Are Goldendoodles Hypoallergenic? Tips for Reducing Pet Allergies

Joan Gabel Reply

We are contemplating on getting a goldendoodle puppy but one of our grandchildren has bad allergies. Is this the right kind of puppy to adopt. The mother is golden retriever and the father is standard poodle.

January 24, 2017 at 11:24 am

Hi Joan, lots of people love goldendoodles because they don’t typically shed much at all, but when people are allergic they are reacting to dander collecting in the dog’s hair. All dogs produce dander. However, I can tell you that whenever I have brought my own goldendoodle around family members with pet allergies, they did not have a reaction. I would say that if you are to add a goldendoodle to your family, and are worried about your grandchild’s allergies, that you spend a little more time brushing the dog and giving him baths more frequently. Good luck!

January 24, 2017 at 1:13 pm
Goldendoodle Haircuts that Will Make You Swoon! Reply

[…] keep their hair healthy and maintained. Most goldendoodles don’t shed much, but as they are not considered hypoallergenic, you will want to bathe and give your goldendoodle haircuts to minimize allergens, especially if […]

January 23, 2018 at 1:08 am
Goldendoodle Haircuts and Styles that Will Make You Swoon! Reply

[…] keep their hair healthy and maintained. Most goldendoodles don’t shed much, but as they are not considered hypoallergenic, you will want to bathe and give your goldendoodle haircuts to minimize allergens, especially if […]

March 14, 2018 at 2:33 pm